{12} Ghosts from the past

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When I finish the song, I feel Ghirahim breathing calmly, his chest rhythmic rising and falling. I stroke his hair, and put his cape on top of him, as a blanket. "Sweet dreams..."


When Ghirahim seems sound asleep, I tiptoe to the door that leads me out of the temple, into the Faron Woods. I'm not planning of leaving Ghirahim behind for too long, I just wanted some fresh air. Besides, I know nothing will hapen to the man, because the old lady will watch him while I'm gone. That, however, is no excuse to stay away for too long. I breathe in the fresh night air, and look at the sky with it's diamond-like stars. I feel at ease, and breathe in the peace the forest and the night give me. I walk over to a tree, and pluck the yellow fruit that grows at the branches. I take a bite, and enjoy the flavors. Perhaps Ghirahim likes this too, I shall take it with me for when he wakes up. After half an hour, I decide to go back into the building, and my eyes meet Ghirahim's dark brown orbs. "You were gone," he says immediately. I nod, "Not for too long," He pouts. "You promised to guard me when I'm asleep!" I roll with my eyes. "Like the Demon Lord needs a guard," I say sarcastically. Ghirahim gives me a semi-dirty look, and puts on his red cloak. "Actually, yes, he does," he says with a bitter tone. "I learned, that when you're asleep, you are way more vulnerable! If there's something I hate, it's being vulnerable!" he sneers at me. "Well, I'm sorry. I just needed some fresh air, I can't play your guard dog for the entire night, you know," I say with some coldness in my voice. Ghirahim brushes with his hand through his snowy hair. "I see. Well... I shouldn't have expected that you would," I feel my heart sting a little. "You know what? I tollerated a lot from you. Bullying, mocking, and even disrespect! But this is IT!" I shout suddenly, and Ghirahim looks up at me with surprise. I feel my blood boil. "I even brought food I thought you'd like! And this - this is how you thank me? For showing you new experiences? For looking after you while you slept for over four hours?!" I rage. Ghirahim bows his head. "You just rescued me from Faron, just to do the exact same she did - questioning my abilities to do the right thing? Keeping promises?!" I feel hurt, not only by Ghirahim (but mostly, if I am honest) but also by Link, who ignored and neglected me for a couple of weeks. "Does anybody here have an actual heart?! Does anybody care about one another?! I know that I don't belong in this tale, or world, or whatever this bullcrap is, but that doesn't mean that everybody can treat me like absolute shit!" I cry, and the tears start to well up in my eyes. I blink them away, I cannot afford myself to weaken up in front of the Demon Lord. Ghirahim seems unsure of what to do. He shoves aroud and doesn't answer any of my outbursts. I slowly sink to the ground, and put my hands on my head, when I feel a soft tap on my hair. "I think," I hear the man's voice. "I think, that you need some rest, perhaps some sleep will do you good," he says in a sweet, soft voice. I slap his hand away with mine, while I brush a tear away with the other. "And about that! I wish I could! But do you know why I can't? Because everytime I close my eyes, the same nightmare appears, over and over again. I can't stand it anymore! I..." I rub my eyes and cheeks. "I just want to go home,"


Ghirahim sits down beside me, and puts his cloak on my shoulders. "Well... I cannot help your problem with the nightmares... But I can offer you a listening ear?" he offers, and I look up. "I don't want to talk about it," I say, and he brushes some hair out of my eyes. "I understand. Just know that I'm more than willing to listen," he says, and he stands up. "Wait," I whisper. Ghirahim turns around, and returns to the place he sat a few seconds ago. "They... They are about my past. I can't remember the details but... I... I think I destroyed my land. I hurt my people, the people I loved," I start, and Ghirahim puts an arm around me, like I did with Link yesterday. "It's... It's quite confronting, you see. To watch the demise of your land over and over, every day, every time you close your eyes. And with everything happening here... I..." I sigh. It's hard to explain when you don't know all the details about what happened in the past. I wish I could remember, but there are still so many blank spaces, no matter how far I push my mind. Everytime I think about it, I tear up. I can take a lot, but knowing that I'm the one who hurt all those people, it's just too much. Ghirahim nods. "I just think that I'm a bad person. Like, it's not everyday you help your land in ruins," I laugh bitter. Ghirahim lifts my chin. "You, Selena," I look at him, and I see his eyes, full of admiration, respect, and... something else? This is new. "You're everything, but a bad person. And I can know, because," he laughs with me; "I'm one of the bad guys in this country. I know how an evil mind runs, and you are not even close at being good at being evil, you just lack the talent," he says, and I laugh through my tears. "I know. I lack talent on more fronts," and Ghirahim nods wild. "I already knew that, please come up with some new information," I give him a playfull push. "No need to be all mean now! I just opened up to you, jerk!" I laugh. "I haven't told anyone, though," I say with a serious expression. "Well, that makes me pretty special, don't you think?" Ghirahim smiles, and I give him another push and I grin. "Yeah, it does," I say quietly. We sit there in silence for a couple of minutes, before Ghirahim opens his mouth. "Well, since you shared a secret of yours, it is only fair to share one of mine, don't you think?" he asks me, and I nod happily. I'd never admit it, but I'd love to get to know this mysterious, evil and (I WILL NEVER SAY THIS AGAIN, SO ENJOY THIS ONE TIME) quite handsome man better. I look at him with exitement, and he laughs and pinces my cheek. "You look like a kid in a candy store, did you know that?" he asks, and I shake my head, continuing looking the way I look. "You're actually quite adorable when you look like this," Ghirahim states, before looking away very, very quickly. "Ah! Noted!" I laugh, and Ghirahim clears his throat. "I'm not trying to capture the Spirit Maiden for me, you see. I- eh... I wanted to revive my master, Demise. He was defeated in the war with the Goddess, long ago. Nowadays, you might know him as the Imprisoned," Ghirahim explains. I nod. "Er.. Was he- was he a good master?" I ask, not knowing what to say to his story. Ghirahim stays silent for a few minutes before answering my question. "No. Not at all. He was ruthless, merciless, and beyond evil," Ghirahim gives me a bitter look. "Even more evil than you?" I ask jokingly. Ghirahim lets out a laugh. "Yes, even more evil than me," I return to being serious. "But if he wasn't a good master... Why revive him? Why all this effort?" Ghirahim scratches his neck. "Because that's what I was created for. To serve him, to be his loyal servant," he looks at me. "Before... a little time ago... when... someone... arrived in this land... I didn't have any other purpose," he says slowly, carefully choosing his words. I look at the ground. "I don't want to insult you or anything... But that sounds actually horrible," I say. "I... There are so many things out there to live for, to seize the day. Life if more than serving, you know?" I say him while turning his head to me. Ghirahim doesn't respond. "I shouldn't speak ill of my master. He's been... good to me," Ghirahim states, but to be honest, I don't believe a word he's saying. He's afraid of this, this Demise. And that makes me hate this guy even more. Everyone deserves to live in peace, to live in happiness. And yes, I'm being a hypocrite since I ruined my own people's happiness, but that doesn't mean everyone has to suffer. "Anyway," Ghirahim flips his hair and pulls himself together. "That was my secret. My mission, and the true reason why I'm after your friend," he says. "I've also never told anyone this," he adds. I laugh. "Aren't you afraid that I'm running off and telling Link all about this?" I ask playfully. "No, actually, I'm not. I decided to trust you with this, just like you trusted your nightmares to me. Besides, that idiotic skychild won't stand a chance against me, let alone my master," Ghirahim huffs. "I like the confidence," I grin, and Ghirahim smiles back. This feeling, it's something I didn't feel in a very, very long time. The feeling of comfort, of friendship, of trust. We layed down on Ghirahim's cape, and we watch the shining stars while talking and laughing at each other's stories. It feels like we're the only ones in the entire universe, me, him, and the stars. It's like they shine a little bit brighter tonight, and I don't know if it's because I've gone mad because of the insomnia, or because of the man who lies beside me, but I'm enjoying every moment, every feeling, every breeze. Slowly, my eyelids start to fall, but I try to keep them open. Ghirahim looks at me and tucks me in his warm cloak. Before I'm fully asleep, I hear Ghirahim whisper; "It's okay, you can go to sleep. It's my turn to stand watch,"


I slept without nightmares, I had a wonderfull night's rest, for the first time since I got here, and I suspect it has something to do with the man who left an hour ago. I'm alone, but the old lady keeps me company. I offer her the fruit I plucked last night, (Ghirahim and I forgot to eat it) and she accepts my offer with gratitude. "I think I'm going to look for Link," I say after sharing the food with the lady. "A wise decision. Also, I couldn't help but overhear the conversation between you and the Demon Lord last night. You're doing your part in destiny very well, young one. You're... changing... the once so ruthless and evil spirit. That's good. But make sure to stay on the right path. Love blinds one with ease," she warns me, and I feel my cheeks redden. "Er... I think you're mistaken there. Ghirahim and I are just friends," I mumble. The old lady gives me a warm smile. "We'll see. I hope he uses this new feeling for the better," And with those words, she returns to the platform she usually sits on, and starts meditating. I decide that this is my sign to leave, and I gather my stuff. Once I step outside of the temple, warm sunrays shine on my face. The ghosts of the past have disappeared. Tonight they'll be back, but until then, I have to follow my own advice I gave Ghirahim yesterday. Seize this day. And with that thought, I stand before the bird statue, and once I fly up towards the white clouds, I call Eudaimonia. A new day has begun.


Whoo! Another chapter! Ghira is warming up to us more and more! >:)

Also, sorry for the random pictures I use. I just think they are absolutely lovely, and I want to give a huge compliment to the artists (even though I don't know who drawed/painted the art lmao). I have the opinion that they truly add up to the vibe of the chapter, but please let me know if you think otherwise!

Remember, if you're one of those artists, please contact me for credit!

Anyway, see ya in the next chapter!

xoxo, ZilverSong

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