{13} The Sacred Flames

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A/N ‼ : in this story, Selena and Link don't have to perform the Goddess' trials. If you play /played the game, you know what I mean, but if you don't that's also fine, because you don't need to know them for the story.

Once I step outside of the temple, warm sunrays shine on my face. The ghosts of the past has disappeared. Tonight they'll be back, but until then, I have to follow my own advice I gave Ghirahim yesterday. Seize this day. And with that thought, I stand before the bird statue, and once I fly up towards the white clouds, I call Eudaimonia. A new day has begun.


I just arrive at Skyloft, when I see a very familiar blonde-haired boy with a green tunic ready his gear to take off. "Link!" I shout for him, and he stops with whatever he's doing, and waves at me. I land Eudaimonia next to his crimson red Loftwing, and I slide off her back. "So, what are we up to today?" I ask Link happily. "Well," he says, and he brushes the hair out of his face. "I'm still looking for the Flames. I still have to face the Water Dragon, are you willing to come with me?" he asks me. I cough, not sure what to answer. My last encounter with Faron didn't end well. "Er... Perhaps I could search somewhere else for a flame? I... eh... That way, we'll be quicker!" I look at my toes. "I mean, that way we'll search quicker!" Link laughs. "That is actually not a bad idea! But... We'll be separated again, and I thought..." I don't let him finish. "Hey, it's okay! We talked about this, and I will give you all the space you need! Just... You know where to find me!" I try to say cheerful. Link nods. "Alright. Let's say... We'll meet up at the Sacred Grounds. We'll make it a challenge! The person who gathers the most Flames, wins! We compete for the honor," Link challenges me. "I accept. Prepare to lose!" I laugh, and we both jump off the platform that's near us. "See you soon, Selena! With all of the flames!" I laugh. "You wish!" We both fly to another portal, and jump.


It's been two weeks since I've seen Link for the last time. I've searched non-stop for the Sacred Flames, and I have encountered and fought many battles. Sure, it's tiring, but I've always been competetive. I won't stop until I succeed, or win. I'm glad Link agreed to split up. This gives me a lot of me-time, and thus time to think. Think about my situation, my role in this game, my role in everyones future. And sometimes, also wonder about my nightmares, but I'd rather get lost in thought about something else. I have collected the Sacred Flame that resided in the desert temple, and fought off a giant, ugly and fat squid, who was also after the Sacred Flame. (A/N: that squid reminded me of my economics teacher lmaooo) I defeated the behemoth, collected the Flame by absorbing it (temporarily) in my bow, and now, I am on my way to Eldin Volcano, where the next Flame is hidden. I concluded that Link must've captured the Flame in the Faron Woods, so that wouldn't be logical to search next. Also, I'd do anything to procrastinate the next meeting with Faron herself. I notice the faint red light that shines through the clouds, and I jump into the portal. Thanks to the sailcloth, I have a smooth landing. I put the sailcloth away, and begin my journey. Unlike in the dessert, I notice that most of the monsters look at me, and then mind their own business instead of losing their mind and attacking me. Weird.


I have searched the place for a couple of days, but couldn't find anything. I haven't been attacked for days, and it's becoming weirder and weirder. The creatures look at me, seem to think for a while, and then choose to ignore my existence. I am completely lost in thoughts, when I bump into something, or rather, someone. I grab my bow, ready to fire if needed. In front of me, I see the starteled face of Link, and I lower my aim. "Selena! Hey!" Link greets me after he recovered from me who bumped into him and almost blasted his face off. "Hi Link. Also looking for the flame, yes?" I ask, and I put my bow away. "Yeah. Seems like we hit a tie, didn't we?" Link laughs. I nod and grin, and then I remember the Sacred Flame from Lanayru Dessert, which is still carried away in my bow. "Oh, speaking of the Flames, I think you need this more than I do," I smile at him, and show him my bow. Link grabs his sword, and we watch how the yellow flames dance from my bow into Link's sword. Fi pops up and tells us the information that came with this Flame. Link seems just as interested as I am (not even the slightest bit) and after we put Fi back into the Goddess Sword, we continue our search for the last Sacred Flame. Link and I share food, laugh together, and even manage to play a little game of hide and seek, now that the monsters seem to have lost their interest in us. I'm feeling that Link really is warming up towards me, and that makes me quite happy. We share some information about ourselves, and I even tell him about my nightmares. "I promise that from now on, you won't have to face them alone, Selena. We're in this together, together we will bring Zelda back. That means that I have to support you the way you support me," Link smiles warmly at me, and I feel my heart squeeze together a little bit. I smile back. We find an entrance to another Fire Temple, and we conquer some battles, solve puzzles and I save Link from falling to his death into the boiling hot lava. If I may say so myself, I think that we're finally the top-team we're destined to be. The Chosen Hero, and the girl who traveled to another dimension to aid him in his quest. Little did I know, that a pair of dark brown eyes were watching us all the time...

《 -------------------》

Just like many other feelings from the past weeks, the Demon Lord has never experienced pure jealousy. Now, he watched her with gritted teeth. To see the girl he... liked? Adored? Became to love? To see her having fun with another man. In the past, Ghirahim had nothing to be jealous of. He had it all, the power, the fame, the looks, and of course, the hair. But my, how the tables turned. Ghirahim hated himself for feeling jealous of some low-life, some mortal. A little, helpless and weak boy. He shouldn't feel jealous. He was supposed to not give a single shit, but he did. Yes, he did. He ordered his minions to leave the girl alone, he didn't want her to get hurt. Not anymore. She changed something in him. Like she said the other day, she showed him new experiences, in lots of positive, but also negative ways. Ghirahim didn't care. What mattered, was that his quest was at stake. He couldn't let down his master, he was expected to put everything at risk to revive Demise. But now, doubt has crawled its way inside his dark heart. If you asked him a few months ago, he would've told you that he would sacrifice everything for the rivival of his master Demise. But now, he's in two minds with himself. If he continued his task, (making sure Demise would return to this world) that would mean that he completed his job, fulfilled his duty as servant of the most powerful demon of all times. However, that would mean that he could lose the one thing he cared for beside Demise: Selena. He had no idea how his master would react to the girl, and Ghirahim suspected that Demise's reaction was anything but positive. In conclusion: bringing back his master from the dead would mean the death of the girl, that he was sure of. Demise would never allow him to care about anyone else but Demise, so all the concurention would be annihilated. On the other hand, if he would let go of his quest, that would mean that Selena gets to live, for sure. But can he live with the shame of letting his master down? No. No, he can't. He scratches his neck and rubs his temples. Since when did being evil became so complicated? He sighs. Ah, Selena and her annoying sidekick have arrived at the gates of the main hall of the temple. Time for action. Even though he didn't want Selena to witness his agressive, violent side, he also couldn't let Link get to the Flame this easily. Another difficult choice. He had to lure the girl away, but how? Then he knew, and he teleported away with a sly grin on his face.

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Another two chapters in one evening! To be honest, I'm quite satisfied with myself :). This weekend, (I think on Sunday) I will probably upload another chapter!

Stay tuned!

xoxo ZilverSong

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