{10} Faron

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❖ Ghirahim and I leave the Kikwi alone, and we walk to the deeper part of the forest. "So..." I begin. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" I ask Ghirahim, who plucked some fruit and takes a bite. The acts like he's deep in thought. "Hmm... I could," he thinks outloud, while chewing on his fruit. "But what do I gain from that? What's in it for me?" he asks. "My forever gratitude?" I try. He chuckles. "Nice try, tiger," he says, and continues eating his fruit. Tiger? I shrug, and decide to let it go for now. I will find a way to get more information out of him, but that can wait. "So, what are you up to?" I ask him. He throws away the pit from the fruit. "That, darling, is a question for you, and a know for me," he says with a smirk. I give him a little push against his arm, and together, we walk into the deeper parts of the forest, bathing in sunlight. ❖


Ghirahim left shortly after we strolled down the green oase in the Deep Woods. It's been a few days since I lost control, and to be honest, I didn't really bother to keep track of time. It could have been days, but also weeks since I last saw the white-haired man or Link. Sometimes, I think a little about what happened back then, but the harder I try to remember things, the more they seem to fade away. I stop right in front of the Forest Temple. I remember Link and I giving each other a comforting look before walking into the building, giving each other the strength and hope to move forward. It feels like eons ago. Back then, we were a team. If you could even call us that, since the high and mighty hero decided to handle everything alone. I called us that. We were a team, even if it was just for a short while. I sigh, and enjoy the sunlight that shines on my skin. I look around, and find a rock to sit on. I don't have much to do, and I find the Deep Woods quite comforting. It is much better than the Faron Woods, I can't explain why. I close my eyes and feel myself drifting away in a slumber. Suddenly, I hear footsteps. Ghirahim doesn't form a direct threat anymore, so I assume that it is some Bokoblin who spotted me enjoying the good weather and decided to ruin my day. I sigh, I was so relaxed! Annoyed, I open one eye, only to spot the blond haired boy who has the annoying habit of leaving when and how he wants, without informing anyone. "Why, hello Link," I say, and I close my eyes again. I hear his heavy breathing and the footsteps come to an halt. "H-hey, Selena," he begins, out of breath. "Long time no see, eh?" I continue, opening my eyes and shielding them with my hand against the sun. Link nods, and his eyes flash to the entrance of the Forest Temple. "So? What are ya up to?" I ask him, while I also move my eyes to the temple. "N-nothing special. Just something for someone, a little job," he huffs, and he makes an attempt to walk away. "Ah-ah-ah!" I point a finger at him. "This time, you won't lose me that quickly! Remember what the old lady said? I had to aid you on you quest! And I cannot help you, if you keep running away from me!" I pout. Link fixes his eyes on the entrance of the temple again, before he turns to me and sighs. "Fine, you can come. But we have to hurry," he says. "So you think I'm slow?" I ask him, irritated. "No, you just... Nevermind, we have to go!" he ends, and he walks to the temple. I follow in his steps, and we walk down the stairs we once walked before. 


"So, what exactly are we looking for? We've been here earlier, remember?" I ask. Link nods, but doesn't answer. The longer we walk in silence, the more frustrated I become. I stop in my tracks. "Link!" Link turns around and raises an eyebrow. "What - are - we - looking - for?!" I shout. Link brushes some hair out of his eyes, and seems to question if he can trust me, what hurts, I'm on his side, I've always been! "Alright, alright. We are looking for water from the enchanted spring," he says after giving me a tired look. "Water? Spring? Why? For who?" I continue firering my questions. Link rubs his temples. "For the Water Dragon," Link starts. "She's injured, she batteled Ghirahim a few hours ago... She asked me to get here the magical water that can heal her," Link explains. "Ah. Why didn't you say so?" I ask him, but instead of waiting for an answer, I continue the search. After what feels like forever, we reach the spring, and I walk over to grab some of the water. Suddenly, Link grabs my arm and I turn around to face him. "What is it?" I ask, surprised. "I- I just wanted to apologise.." he begins. I raise an eyebrow. "For what?" He sighs. "For letting you down all the time. I run off without saying a word, I never wait up for you when we're in a dungeon... And I'm sorry. I'd use the excuse that I was desperate to find Zelda, but I know I'd be lying to you, and to myself. The truth is, I just don't know how to behave properly when I'm around you. I'm quite bad at making a connection with someone, but that is my problem, not yours. I, eh..." he stares at the ground, and I shouldn't feel sorry for him, but I do. "It's okay! Just... You should have told me earlier. We can work on it together!" I say, encouraging him. He gives me a weak smile. "The only person I fully trust and feel comfortable around, is Zelda. And now, she's gone and I just... It's hard, you see. I want to open up to people, tell them what I really think, but everytime I try, I end up walking away, fleeing the conflict..." he speaks, and he sits down on a rock that lies in the water. "I'm tired, Selena. This search... It feels useless. Everytime I almost get to Zelda, she slips away, or has to leave, or just disappears... I..." I look at him. "You need rest. Have you been sleeping lateley?" I ask. He nods. "Yesterday... Or the day before yesterday... I don't.... I.." I see tears welling up, and I conclude that the events from last days must have taken their toll. "Why don't you go home to Skyloft, take a day off? I shall bring the Water Dragon her water, and continue the search. If I find anything, I'll let you know immediately, okay?" I say, while wrapping an arm around him. He gives me a small nod, not even trying to talk out of it. He seems relieved that he can get a good rest, without having to be viligant all the time. "Before you go... Here, take it. You'll need it," he says, and gives me a necklace with a bright, blue scale. "It's the scale of the Water Dragon, it allows you to swim underwater for a longer time, so you can reach her temple," he says, and I give him a smile as a 'thank you'. I support him while we walk to the nearest bird statue and when he flies up to the skies, I make my way to the temple of the Water Dragon. 


It was a long, tiring swim, but I made it. I'm standing in front of the Water Dragon Faron. I shake off a little water, but since I'm drenched, it has no use. I walk over to her basin, and bow respectfully. "Ah! Finally! Someone with manners!" the dragon speaks. "You can rise now, my child. I have never seen your face before. How did you get here?" she asks. I show her the necklace Link gave me, and she seems deep in thought. "I could ask you how you'd get that... But I think I already know the answer. You're friends with the chosen hero, is it not?" I nod. "I brought you the enchanted water you asked for," I say, and walk over to her basin to give it to her. "Ah! Yes, please, pour it into my basin, and I shall inform you about the passed events," I walk over, and empty the bottle. The basin begins to shake, and I take a few steps back, not sure what to do. "Yes! This is what a true dragon looks like! Thank you for your help. Now, where shall I begin? Ghirahim managed to break into my temple, and he brought his pets with him," she starts. "Pets?" I ask, confused. "Yes. Demonish fish that attack the marine life, real pests, that's what they are! He was after the Sacred Flame I'm guarding, you see. I tried my best to fight him off, and I succeeded, but was injured. Then, that boy, the chosen hero by Hylia herself, came to me, and I sent him on a quest for water. Then you showed up," she explains. I nod. "But, I sense also something else. I look up to the dragon. "I feel the aura of the Demon Lord around you," she says, and I feel my blood freeze. "Tell me. What is your business with that evil man?" she asks with a friendly, but cold voice. "I... I... You see, uhm..." I stutter. How am I going to explain myself? Yeah, I help Link, but also have fun with Ghirahim, I recently strolled down your woods with him? No. "Look. I... I know what you're thinking, and I can guarentee that it's not what it looks like," I begin, and Faron laughs. "That's what they always say, isn't it?" she snickers. "I am friends with the Demon Lord. He has never harmed me, and he..." Yeah, what else? I'm not even sure if I can call us friends... "I had no idea that he was going after the Flames!" I try to defend myself. Faron raises an eyebrow. "So you are not involved with his plans? To make it look like you're on the side of the Goddess, while helping the Demon King reïncarnate back to his original form?" Before I can say something, I feel a hand on my shoulder, pushing me back. I gasp, and my hand flings back to grab my bow. "She is not some dull spy! If I wanted a mole, I'd rather use one of my idiotic minions instead of her! She talks way to much! Besides, I could use her talents on different fronts. Such a shame she won't walk over to my side, though," I hear a voice I've grown quite fond of. I look up, and see a crimson red cape standing half in front of me, it almost looks like he's protecting me against Faron. "You! How dare you show your face here again! This time, I shall rip you to shreds!" Faron screams with pure anger. "No need, you blue worm. I defeated you with ease last time. I don't understand why the Goddess applied you to this temple, even my Keese are more of a fight than you," Ghirahim mocks. "However, I did not come to argue with some blue monkey, I came here to save dear Selena from your boring interview. And for the record, in case you didn't catch it earlier, Selena doesn't work for me, so leave her be, otherwise I will not be so mercifull next time we meet," he spits at Faron, before teleporting us both away. 


Heyhey! Sorry for the long wait but... I wrote more than 2000 words in this chapter 0.o. 

I'd also like to update you on some recent news. I will not be making a scheme, I'll update whenever I feel like it, or when I'm in the mood for writing, or when I have time. I promise you that this story will be finished, but it can take a little time. I thank you all for your understanding, and I hope to see you in the next chapter!

xxx ZilverSong

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