{8} Ghirahim's fury

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"I found the fire temple! And I have completed the key, so we can search inside for Zelda. We'll be home before you know it! Then everything will be normal again," he smiles at me, and I nod my head. How wrong we were.


Link and I enter the fire temple. Inside, it's even hotter than outside, and I start to regret wearing my armor. Then, we get attacked by some creatures that appearently absorbed fire, and I'm thankful that I'm wearing my armor to protect me. I let some arrows fly, and they hit their target every time. We encounter a huge puddle of lava, and I examinate it. "We have to find a way around it," mumbles Link and I look at him. I'm still angry about the fact that he left me behind. "Well, no shit genius! Unless you wish to become a sausage on a barbecue, I suggest that you come up with something amazing!" I say sarcastically. Link looks at me, and I immediately regret my snarl. "I'm sorry," I apologise, and Link waves it away. We search for a way around the lava, and after a while, we end up balancing on a big, stone ball, which was originally an eye of a stone dragon. Link and I decide to split up to search the place quicker. I must say that I'm relieved to be away from the boy for some time, and I realise that I cannot stay mad at him forever. I would've done the same thing. No. I murdered my own people. I'm not a spat better than him. I'm even worse. I push the feeling aside, and continue the search. After a few hot, sweaty hours, I find nothing, and return to the rendezvous where I was supposed to meet Link. I sit down on a rock, while I wipe away the sweat off my forehead. "It's a little hot in here, don't you think? Why not take off some of that heavy armor?" I hear an echo, and I jump on my feet, bow ready to fire. I hear a click of fingers, and I see Ghirahim standing a few meters away from me. "Nice meeting you here. May I ask the purpose of your visit?" Ghirahim purrs. "May I ask why you're so annoying?" I reply. Ghirahim puts a gloved hand on his heart and looks shocked. "Such rudeness! I am truly hurt!" he says, and wipes away an imaginary tear. "Quit the show, Ghirahim. What is it this time? Annoying me to death? Mocking me until I collapse? Dancing on my grave when I fall into the lava?" I ask. "I must agree that all those ideas sound absolutely wonderful, and I thank you for the offer. However, I am not here to waste my time on you. In fact, I came with the idea that you might be useful for once in your life," he speaks. I raise an eyebrow. "Me? Useful? To you? That's the same as dancing unicorns in a pink tutu," I spit at him. "I see that your sense of humor is just as boring as you are," Ghirahim comments without looking at me, and he inspects his cape. "I shall stop wasting my time and explain why I'm here. I noticed that the boy is close to finding that idiotic Spirit Maiden. Too bad that my minions got there first," Ghirahim says without further interest. I look at him with surprise. Zelda's here? "Oh?" I say. Ghirahim rolls with his eyes. "You're slow in understanding, just like always. Do you want me to explain in baby-language? Perhaps that makes it more clear to you," Ghirahim snarls. I sigh. "So if you have her, why come to me?" I ask, and Ghirahim looks at me like I'm an alien from another planet. "Because those fools lost her! They let her escape! Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?!" he shouts. "Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!" I sigh. "A'right, stop it, you drama queen," I cross my arms. "So, come to the point! Why are you yelling at me, while you can also be out there and look for Zelda, just like everyone these days?" I ask, and Ghirahim looks up to me. "Are you really that stupid, mutt?" he says, furious (and outraged, and sick with anger). I pretend to yawn, and look him dead in the eye. "You! You know where that boy is! Tell me! I want his blood to flow!" he screams manically. I don't move a muscle, and inspect my nails. "I'm sorry, you big baby, but Link and I split up hours ago. I have no idea where he is," I say in a cool voice. Ghirahim looks like he could strangle me with his bare hands, and disappears in his blur of diamonds. When he's gone, I realise I tremble. That was quite intense. I've never seen him like that. No matter how angry he was, he always knew to keep his calm. I shrug, and conclude that Link won't show up, again. I start to make my way deeper into the dungeon, hoping to bump into Link, and not into a raging Ghirahim.

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