{9} The monster I became

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❖ And when Selena stepped into the daylight, to enter the spring and greet Link, who just got another tablet to open another portal, Ghirahim teleported away.❖


Link and I flew back to Skyloft in silence. Link got the tablet that would open a portal to Lanayru Desert. I heard that it was once a big lake, but over time, it changed into a big sandsea. Eudaimonia squeeks, and Link's bird answers her. When we arrive, I wave at Link to inform him that he must go to the Goddess Statue, to place the tablet in the gap with the other two tablets, and I walk to the Knight Academy. Apparently, Link and I have been wandering around the Fire Temple for five days. I thought we were gone for just a couple of hours, but to be honest, I lost track of time in that temple. I step inside my room and close the door. I'm exhausted, and I could use a good rest. I peel off the armor and the sweaty clothes, and open my dresser to choose a pyjama for my nap. After a dreamless and restless sleep, which made me even more tired, I get up and put on some grey pants with a pink crop-top. I put my hair in a high ponytail, and look around. I'm not planning on descending back to the Surface any time soon. Then, I notice that someone has been checking on me - which creeps me out a little, but I assume it was just Karane who wanted to make sure I was okay - because someone cleaned my armor and washed my clothes, and left them folded on a chair in the corner of the room. I shrug, and walk outside. I avoid the Knights who are talking in the hallway. I'm not really in the mood to socialize. I slip through the double door that leads to the plaza of the Knight Academy, and breath in some fresh air. I walk over to the Bazaar, and a lot of people look up from their activities and greet me. I almost forgot the overwhelming scent of the potions, and yet again, they make me dizzy. I rush out of the Bazaar, and blink a few times. I throw my head in my neck, and absorb the sunlight that shines warm on my skin. I wonder where Link is. Probably already in Lanayru Desert. I'm getting used to the fact that the blonde fella never waits up for anyone, and I walk to the edge of the island. I let my legs dangle over the edge, and enjoy life, which is really rare these times, I laugh in myself. 


After a while of walking around Skyloft, greeting some people and eating sandwiches, I find myself bored in someone's flowerbed. I couldn't care less. Since no one came up to me screaming that I had to get off, I'm not moving my butt. It's safe up here. Safe, and boring. I miss the thrill of danger, adventure. I get up, and brush the grass I've been randomly plucking and flower petals off my clothes. I'm going back. Back to the Surface. I walk over to the nearest plateau, and jump. I whistle a little melody, and I hear Eudaimonia's wings that soar through the sky to catch me. I land on her back, and we fly for some time across the clouds, without a purpose. I'm not dressed to follow Link into the dangerous dessert, so I decide to go somewhere more safe. Since the Eldin Volcano is nothing more than a huge lava-pit where I can burn to death any minute, my last and most safe option is Faron Woods. I lead Eudaimonia to the portal, where soft green light shines through the cloud barrier. "I'll see you soon, girl," I whisper to my Loftwing, and I jump off, and dive into the green pit. I land nearby the Kikwi sanctuary, and I decide to pay them a visit. I'm not dressed to fight monsters, boy, I don't even have a weapon to defend me, since I left my bow back at Skyloft. Which was, a stupid decision. I sneak past the Bokoblins and the Keese, and I manage to end up in the Kikwi pit wihtout a scratch. They're happy to see me again, and they rush over on their little legs to greet me. "Welcome back! We've missed you! Are you in for a game of hide and seek?" Erla (another Kikwi) asks me. Why not? "Sure! I'll count!" I say happily. I turn around, close my eyes, and start to count to 30. I hear small footsteps running away, and I smile to myself. I'm just at 21, when I hear a horrified scream. It makes my blood freeze, and my eyes fling open. 

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