All For Love

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A/N: credit: title is based on the song: All For Love, written and produced by Tungevaag, Raaban and Richard Smitt.

"Nu-what now?" Ghirahim raises an eyebrow. I laugh. "You know, my home? The land where I come from?" I pinch his arm. "Oh. Can I visit some time?" Link asks me, and I smile. "I don't know if that's possible, but if it is, you're all more than welcome," I invite them. "I'm afraid that's not possible," the old lady pipes up. "And I'm also afraid, that your time here, is coming to an end," she continues.


"What?" I exlaim in shock. "I have to go back?! No! I want to stay! I cannot leave everyone behind!" I start to panic. "I'm not sure, but it would make sense, you've completed the mission you were sent here for," the old lady shrugs. We all think about it for a minute. "No. Whatever happens, I'm staying," I state. "That's the spirit," Ghirahim smiles. "I have no idea what will happen if you do not return to your own world. Please, think about the concequences before making any decisions," the old lady advises, and we nod. "We will," I say. "Not," Ghirahim whispers in my ear, and I give him a soft slap on his arm. The old lady returns to the platform she always sits on, and I turn to the others. "What do we do now?" I ask, and Zelda pipes up. "I suggest we go back to Skyloft. There's not much left for us to do here, I think," she suggests, and everyone agrees with her. "I'll meet you guys there, I'm not lowering myself to flying on one of those overgrown lapwings," Ghirahim mocks, and he teleports away. We laugh, and walk over to the nearest bird statue. We fly up, and call our Loftwings. We fly to the rock in the skies, and we land on the Plaza. "You sure took your sweet time, guys. I've waited eons for your return," Ghirahim whines, and we laugh. "Stop being a drama queen, Ghirahim," Zelda laughs, and we walk to the Knights Academy. Everyone is delighted to see us again, and everyone starts to ask questions about our mission, our return, about the man we brought with us -Ghirahim- and then, Gaepora organizes a small party to celebrate our return. After a few hours of partying, eating snacks and drinking lemonade, I pull Ghirahim outside. "Oh! Some fresh air!" he laughs, and I grin. "Yeah, I got a little bored of answering the same questions over and over again," I smile, and Ghirahim agrees. "It's harder than I thought, being the new guy. I thought everyone would love me after seeing only a glimpse of me," he complains, and I pince him in his arm. "They'll learn to love you," I reassure him, and he chuckles. "Just like you did, then?" he jokes, and I give him a dry look. "Yes, just like I did," I agree, and we walk around Skyloft, underneath the starry night. "So... About what granny said back there..." Ghirahim starts, and I make him shut up with a kiss. "We're not going to talk about that. Not now," I smile, and Ghirahim sighs. "Okay. But I feel like we should, perhaps not now, but at some point we have to know what the future holds, don't you think?" he asks, and I shrug. "I don't care what the future holds. The only thing I care about right now, is the fact that you're here, and that we're all alive," I say. I feel Ghirahim relax beside me. We walk over to the Plaza, and sit down in the same spot we sat the other day. We stay silent for a moment, and I lean against Ghirahim, while looking at the stars. A soft breeze tickles my cheeks. "We don't even know how I'm supposed to go home," I say out of the blue. "That's true. But I think we know when te time comes," Ghirahim answers. "I don't want to find out. I left my past behind me. Yes, I will always take it with me, it's a part of me, of my life. But I want to focus on the future, here, with you," I say, while looking in his dark brown eyes. "Yes, I'd like that," Ghirahim grins. "It's not like you have much of a choice, sir, you're not getting rid of me any time soon," I joke. "That's a relief," Ghirahim chuckles, and he wraps his arm around me. "Hey you guys!" I look behind me, and see Link and Zelda walk towards us. "We couldn't find you at the party, so we went looking for you!" Zelda informs us. "Ah, very thoughtful of you," Ghirahim answers with a little annoyance in his voice. "You ruined a moment," he adds, and I give him a push. "You didn't ruin anything. How's the party?" I ask, and Link answers. "It's fine, but most of the people are leaving. It's late, and we should get some rest," I nod. "Sounds like a plan," Then I remember something. "But, eh, where will Ghirahim stay? My room is a little too small for two people," I say while looking at Ghirahim. "I don't sleep," he says dryly, and I try my best not to laugh at the faces Link and Zelda make. It's a mix of shock and wonder. "Okay, but you can't sit on a chair and watch me sleep. That's creepy," I laugh, and Ghirahim sighs. "I'm not staying up with you, if that's what you're thinking. This girl needs her beauty rest!" We all laugh, and then Ghirahim speaks up. "What if we.. What if we return to the Surface? I don't want to step on anyone's soul -he looks at Zelda- but I'm not really fond of this floating rock with it's weird inhabitants," Zelda grins. "I figured, and no, that's totally fine. But the portals to the Surface have closed, how are you planning to return to that place?" she asks us, and I have literally no idea. "Well, that's the part where I step in," Ghirahim sais proudly. "I can teleport, remember? I do not need those sad portals to go to the Surface," That's true. "Good thinking. I... eh... We will see you again sometime, right?" Link asks us. "Of course! I'm not planning on spending the rest of my life hearing how amazing Ghirahim is! That would be torture!" I joke, and Ghirahim acts offended. "Hey! I can't help the fact that it's just the truth! And the truth may always be spoken!" he defends himself, and we all laugh. "Very well then. I'll see you around, guys!" Link and Zelda hug me before I hold on to Ghirahim, ready to teleport away. I blink, see a lot of colorful diamonds, and the next moment we're standing in the hollow tree in the middle of the Faron Woods. "I figured that the Faron Woods was the best place to stay," Ghirahim explains himself, and I nod. "So, let's call it a night, then?" I ask, and Ghirahim agrees. "Are you going to try to sleep too?" I ask -more like, suggest- and Ghirahim hesitates for a moment. Then, a sly grin appears on his face. "Only if you sing again," he says, and I laugh. "Deal," We settle down on some leaves, and Ghirahim puts his cloak around us like a blanket. "We can also make this our home, you know," I think out loud, and Ghirahim smiles. "Yes, that's actually not a bad idea, but I think we should ask Faron first. Perhaps she doesn't want all this fabulousness in her forest," he grins, and I laugh with him. I snuggle against Ghirahim, and start to sing. The song is about our journey, and this way, I express my feelings.

🎶'Cause if tomorrow brings something good,
Tonight I do it all for love, I do it all for love,
If you want it, I know I could,
Tonight I do it all for love, I do it all for love,

Try to leave, try to fight,
All the things inside my mind,
But we will stay together,
I try to push, try to part,
Try to break us from the start,
But I'll be yours forever,

Oh I will follow you,
Through the dark, through it all,
And nothing I can do,
Honey I'm set on you-ooh,

'Cause if tomorrow brings something good,
Tonight I do it all for love, I do it all for love,
If you want it, I know I could,
Tonight I do it all for love, I do it all for love... 🎶

A/N: credit: All For Love, written and produced by Tungevaag, Raaban and Richard Smitt.


- The End


I hope you enjoyed the alternative ending!

I hope to see you again in my next story, the sequel to this one!

xoxo, ZilverSong

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