{6} Back To Skyloft

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❖  "So you do have a heart, after all? I was doubting it," I smirk. He lifts an eyebrow, but I see the corner of his mouth curl. "Perhaps," he answers, and then he dissapears, in a blur of yellow diamonds, and I can't help it, but I smile.❖ 


I am alone again. I sigh. Going back to the Kikwi's? No. They're great company, but I just don't feel like another endless game of hide-and-seek. I hear Ghirahim's words in my head. 'He's off to Eldin Volcano, and left you behind,'. I shake my head. Link will return for me, I'm sure about that. I walk back to the temple where Link and I met the old lady. Perhaps she can give me more information. While I walk back, I am being attacked by some monsters, but I fend them off without too much trouble. I open the door of the temple, and see the old lady sitting in a beam of sunlight. She says nothing. I walk closer, and she turns her head. "Ah. I've been expecting you," she begins. I raise an eyebrow. "You have?" I ask. She nods. "So, the hero has left this land, yes?" she asks me. "He did. Yesterday," I comment. "Hm. Good. Good," I look at her, not sure what to reply to that, and scratch the back of my left leg with my right foot. "I-is he coming back...?" I ask with a quiet voice. The old lady looks up at me. "Yes, he will return," she replies. I sigh in relief. I knew it! "In a few months, if not longer," the lady adds. I widen my eyes in shock. A few months?! I have to be alone for such a long time? No! "But... You said... That I had to aid the hero! That I had to aid Link in his quest!" I am confused. How am I able to help him, if I can't even reach him? If he left me behind, without a goodbye, without even a warning?  "I understand your concern. Indeed, you have to aid the hero of the skies on his journey. But how, when or where, that is something only you can find out," she explains. "How is this helping? I have no clue how to get back to Skyloft! I don't have a sailcloth, I don't have a Loftwing, I have nothing! This advice... Please, don't take it too personal, but it is completely useless!" I rage. I feel lost, and abandoned. I feel my face heat up, and I take a few deep breaths. Relax. With anger, I cannot think straight. It only distracts me from solving the problem. "I'm sorry. I just... I just don't know what to do," I apologise to the lady. She nods her head. "Don't worry about it. I understand that the whole situation is frustrating. But you're a smart girl, a brave, dauntless warrior with a sharp mind," she praises. "So you must figure it out yourself," she adds. I nod, and thank her. As I walk out of the temple, she calls after me one last time. "You'll find a solution. In the past, you always have, and now you shall succeed once again," she says, and I let the door fall shut. 


Back in the forest, I let my brain work like it never has before. Okay, so, the only way to reach Skyloft, is with a sailcloth, and one of those bird-like statues. So far I don't have acces to a sailcloth, and also no idea if the statue also reacts to me the way it did to Link. Great progress! I look around. Perhaps the Kikwi's can help me out, and I make my way to the Kikwi-pit. After some time, I reach my destination. I climb over some rocks and slide into the pit. Some Kikwi's jump in surprise, but most of them come over to greet me. "Hey Selena! Welcome back! Are you interested in a game of hide and seek?" Lopsa greets me. I shake my head and laugh. "No, sorry Lopsa! Another time?" I ask. She nods her little head, and squeeks happily. "I have come to ask you guys for a favor," I begin. All the Kikwi, including the Kikwi elder, stare at me with great interest. "You see, I'm looking for something that can lift me in the air. Something like a sailcloth," I continue. The Kikwi elder nods. "I have heard of such a thing," he says. I look at him with hope. "I do not have one, but perhaps the Water Dragon has anything that also suffices for gliding through the air...?" he continues. I feel my heart sink. "Water... Dragon?" I ask. "Yes. She lives in a temple, West of this part of the forest," the Kikwi elder explains. "However, you must open a gate with the sacred light of the sword given by the Goddess herself. Do you have that sword?" I shake my head. Link has the Goddess Sword, and since Link has left this place yesterday, there's no way I can open the gate. "Thank you for your time. I will seek for this gate, and the Water Dragon," I bid the Kikwi's farewell, and make my way to the Water Dragon's temple. 

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