{3} Journey to the Surface

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❖ I walk to my own room in the Academy, even though I'm not a student nor a knight. It was gifted to me from Gaepora, and I'm very thankful for a place to rest. I open my door, which has a lovely nameplate with my name on it, and look over my shoulder to the quiet, empty hall. Then I notice two sparkles, watching me. I detect some kind of evil in them, and my blood runs cold. I quickly slip inside my room, and close the door. Imagination. Just imagination. I change into my nightgown, also gifted by Zelda. I fall into my soft bed, and drift off to a deep sleep. Unknowing that, in the corner of my room, with a click with his fingers, a certain person, teleports away in a blur of yellow diamonds. ❖


I wake up to the sound of Link knocking on my door. I yawn, it's way to early! I roll out of my bed, and answer the door. "Hey Selena," he says with a tired voice. "Have you even slept tonight?" I ask him. He shakes his head side to side, and shrugs. I look at him with confusion, and he elaborates. Apparently, he woke up to the sound of someone calling his name. As he walked out of his room, he saw a female, person-like creature floating above the ground, waiting for him to follow her. He did, and ended up right at the Goddess statue. She opened a secret door, and there he found a sword, the Sword of the Goddess who left it behind for the 'chosen one'. I find it hard to believe, but hey, who am I to judge? I ended up unconsious, without memory and strange, extremely sharp senses. "I see you've changed clothing too?" I point at his green tunic, light brown pants and darker brown boots. He has also tucked the Sword of the Goddess and a shield on his back.  "Yea, I'm kind of going to look for Zelda. Beneath the clouds," he mutters. I raise an eyebrow. "I thought we couldn't come beneath the clouds? That it was impossible?" I ask. He nods. "Yes, it WAS impossible. But Fi, the spirit that lies within the Sword of the Goddess, gave me a stone tablet which was the key to open a portal to the surface," he explains. I nod. "So, when are you going?" He scratches the back of his head and decides that his boots are  more interesting to look at than me. "Well... heheh.... Now..?" My eyes widen. "What do you mean, now? Right now?!" I almost shout. He shrugs again, avoiding my gaze. "Well, why didn't you say so? I'm comming! Give me just a few more minutes!" I say, closing my door. "What, wait! No! You can't come with me! It's way to dangerous, and you're not used to our world yet!" Link exclaims. I open the door and roll my eyes. "Really mate? We going down that road? Well, let me tell you something. I want to come, and I can do whatever the sweet heavens I want. I'm not letting you down, friends support each other, even in tough and times when they have to face the unknown. Besides, you've never been down there before, so you know just as much as me about 'that land', " I argue. Link falls silent, not having a good comeback. "Fine, I'll tell Gaepora," he says to me, and leaves. Not too long after he left, I hear another knock on the door. "Come in?" Gaepora opens the door, carrying a small chest. "Here, I believe this is yours," he says with a soft tone. Curious, I open the chest. Inside, I find my black jeans with the belts, my boots, the yellow shirt from yesterday, and another top. The second top is way heavier than the yellow  shirt, and I pick it up. When I take a good look at it, I notice shoulder armor, and a breastplate made of some kind of light iron. I don't  recognise the symbol on it, but it's hard to miss the green emerald which is implanted in the middle of the chest. "Wow... This... This is mine?" I ask Gaepora. He nods. "When you were found in Skyloft the other day, you originally weared this. Zelda found you, and well... She decided that your warrior-look could be quite frightning to the people in the peacefull village," Gaepora explains. "She gave you this yellow shirt instead, and while she was away to hand in your armor, Link found you," he finishes. I nod, I understand. People who never have seen a stranger, let alone a warrior for heavens sake, unconsious, under the mud and dirt. Yes, that's not really what you want to have as a first impression on people. "I'll let you change," Gaepora says, and he leaves the room. I pull up my jeans, put on my boots, and then I put on the armored top. It feels comfortable, familiar. From times I do not remember. Yet. 

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