{5} So you do have a heart, after all?

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"Let's go," I say to Link, and while I support him, we walk into the light.


When our eyes are adjusted to the light, we see a little spring with a waterfall, with butterflies flattering around. The sight of it is so lovely and full of hope and happiness, that I almost forget the battle from a few minutes ago. "I'm going to clean my wounds," Link speaks in a soft voice to me, and he wades into the spring. I give him his privacy, and while he bathes, I study the butterflies. They are truly beautiful, with colors so bright they almost hurt my eyes. "Done!" I hear Link. When I turn around to face him, I don't see the wounded, desperate boy from ten minutes ago. I see a strong young man, who looks like he can take on the whole world. "Wow, you look... Great!" I compliment him. "Wonderwater, huh?" I laugh. He shrugs. "I think so.." He smiles at me, and walks over to the little platform that leads to the middle of the spring. In the water stands a sculpture. The Goddess Hylia, according to Link. He raises his sword skyward, and the sword lights up. Then, he strikes the Triforce symbol inside of the sculpture with the light that made his sword glow. Fi glides out of his sword, and begins babbling about some message the Goddess left for the Chosen Hero. That's not me, and I quickly lose interest. I walk to a path that leads back to the Faron Woods, where we began our journey. Link catches up after a few minutes. "Hey," I greet him, and he gives me a nod as a greeting. "So, where to next?" I ask. Link scratches the back of his head. "Eh, back to Skyloft. But... You don't happen to have a sailcloth, do you?" he asks carefully. I shake my head. "I suppose I can't come, then?" I ask, a little annoyed. Cut it off, Selena. He can't help it that you don't have a sailcloth. I fake a smile, and wave him goodbye. I walk towards the deeper parts of the Faron Woods, and look over my shoulder. I see Link standing before a bird statue, which lights up. Then, Link gets pulled off the ground by a strong breeze, and he flies towards the sky. I sigh, and continue walking into the forest.


I have wandered around for what feels like months. However, I'm sure only a few hours have passed. It has been a day since Link left, and I am bored to death. I bumped into some Kikwi's and they invited me to an open place in the woods, protected by walls of rock. It was their safe haven now. It was like some kind of a pit, and they seeked shelter against the bokoblins that haunted the forest nowadays. I ensured them that I would try my best to fight the monsters off, if I was around. They thanked me, and then they dissapeared into the tall grass, the tree that stands in the center of the pit, or they just sat down. I decided to leave them alone, and I walked back to the platform from I saw yesterday. I walked up the stairs, and sat down at the plateau that gave me acces to the great view of the forest. I let out another sigh, and closed my eyes.

《 -------------------》

He stood so still, that she didn't notice him, he didn't move a muscle. Not that he wanted her to notice him. He was high in the tree, between the leaves that gave him protection from sight. He sighed. He wanted to walk up on her, to talk to her, in his usual, insulting way. To play a little with her, it was funny to see how she got angry at even the littelest things. This feeling, this joy, it was something he never experienced earlier in his thousand-year old life. He was ancient, yes. But not stupid. He knew he had more important things to do than to stare at this girl, the girl who didn't belong in this world, in this story. But she did. It mattered. So he came to see her. He didn't know how his feet ended up in this tree. He didn't know how or when he teleported. But that didn't matter. Should he go? Or should he stay here, hidden in the shadows? Both options were not really to his liking. His dark brown eyes flew up to the sky, to where the skychild had left yesterday. He had important things to plan, to work out. He
didn't have time to worry about this little imp that walked into a story she didn't belong in. But yet, here he was.

《 -------------------》

I hear something in the tree that stands right in front of me, and I look up. I spot a glimpse of a crimson red cape, and the corner of my mouth curls upward without me noticing. "You can come out now, Ghira," I laugh. I hear a snap of fingers, and he appears behind me. I am not stupid, and I haven't forgotten his threat of yesterday. I quickly get up. "So.. Here for round two?" I ask, challenging. "No," he sais with a serious voice. I look at him with surprise. "No witty comment, no insult?" I joke. He sighs, clearly annoyed, and shakes his head. "No, not today. I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," he begins. "Ah?" I look at him with interest. "You... You really do care about that idiotic skychild, do you?" he asks, a little unsure. I've never seen him like this, nor could I imagine the Demon Lord uncertain about something. "Well.. He's my friend. Just like the girl you kidnapped, earlier. They took care of me when I crashed into this place, and I'm very grateful for that," I explain. He nods. "I understand. And.. I'm sorry about yesterday. You weren't ment to see that. Or to be threatend," he whispers. I don't know how to react. I nod, a little unsure what to do. "It's okay. Link is fine now, and I am not fast intimidated," I say, trying to lift the atmosphere. He gives me a little smile. "I know." The silence after that is just awkward. "Well, I have places to go. And I'm sure you have to do something more important as well," Ghirahim says, after the long and awkward silence. I shake my head. "No, not really. I'm waiting for Link to return, actually," I say and shrugh my shoulders. "He's not coming back, just so you know. Don't waste your time hanging here, waiting for your hero in green clothes to appear. He doesn't care," Ghirahim says, and I hear disgust in his voice. I am startled. "He... He's not coming back? How do you know?" I stutter. "He's following the Spirit Maiden. He's heading for Eldin Volcano next," Ghirahim explains. "Oh..." So that's it. He's just leaving me behind? No! A friend wouldn't do that! He's just making that up to split us apart! But a little voice in my head says that Ghirahim is right. "It's your call, anyway. Just... Remember that you also have a life to live, okay..? Don't just follow that idiot around all the time," Ghirahim states. "It annoys me," he ads, and then he turns around to teleport away. "Wait!" I exclaim. "Why are you telling me this? Why are you so nice, all of sudden?" I ask suspiciously, and squeeze my eyes. "No reason. And talking about reasons, the reason I call you 'mutt' all the time, is because you have an ability no one here has. Exept for me and Fi, but we don't turn into giant cats with enourmous teeth," he laughs. I am dumbstruck for the second time in the few days. "Giant cat?" I ask. He nods. "Well... Thanks for the information... I guess," I say. He nods again, and wants to teleport away, his fingers almost click. "Ghirahim?" He looks over his shouder, to me. "So you do have a heart, after all? I was doubting it," I smirk. He lifts an eyebrow, but I see the corner of his mouth curl. "Perhaps," he answers, and then he dissapears, in a blur of yellow diamonds, and I can't help it, but I smile.


Another chapter done! Thank you again for reading guys! It means a lot to me :). Hang in there, I will be updating soon, I hope!

Toodles, Zilversong

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