{14} The Imprisoned

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A/N: Yes, I know I wasn't supposed to upload until Sunday, but thanks to my hay fever, I woke up ridiculously early today (for me, at least, it's early. It's 6.30 am where I live right now :,)) and decided to sneeze and feel sorry for myself behind my laptop instead of in bed. I swear, I really hate pollen, they ruin my  usual sleeping schedule ('till noon) >:(. Do you guys have hay fever? However, I shall let you continue reading rather than annoying you with my allergies, lmao. Have fun! 

❖ Even though he didn't want Selena to witness his agressive, violent side, he also couldn't let Link get to the Flame this easily. Another difficult choice. He had to lure the girl away, but how? Then he knew, and he teleported away with a sly grin on his face. ❖


"HELP!" Link and I turn around at the sound of the scream. "HELP! Someone! Help me!" I look at Link. "Someone is in danger! We have to help!" I say, and Link nods his head in agreement. Before Link can take a step towards the sound, I stop him. "No. I'll go. You go and collect the last flame!" I order him. Link seems to doubt if he will ignore my orders (or friendly, but still ordering advice) or do as I say and open the gates that will lead us to the last flame. "Fine, but be careful. We haven't been attacked by one of those creeps for a long time, and it's becoming more and more suspicious. It can be a trap of that damned Demon Lord, I get the feeling that he likes to play a game with us," Link thinks outloud, more to himself than to me. Tell me something I don't know, of course Ghirahim likes to play games with his prey. We're talking about Ghirahim, for Hylia's sake. "If you need any help, just call, 'kay?" he asks me, and looks me in the eyes. I nod, and run off to where the sound came from. At first, I can't find anyone or anything, and I walk all the way back to where the temple began. I almost turn around to search somewhere else, when I hear the voice again. "You! You there! Please! Help me! I forgot your name, but... I hope you don't mind and help me down!" Confused, I turn around on the spot, and then, I see one of the inhabitants of Eldin Volcano, a mogma. Mogma's are like big moles, they can dig underground and spend their time looking for treasure. I've met them before, when I was looking for Link, a couple of months ago. They are nice, but also kinda shady. I see a mogma hanging on a rope above a lake filled with lava, and the rope can snap at any moment. "Hang on! I'm coming!" I call, and the mogma seems relieved. "Thank you! I don't know how I can thank you enough!" I climb my way over, pushing some rocks aside and carefully placing my feet, so I don't accidentally step into a puddle of lava. When I reach the mogma, I grab the rope and pull it towards me, and haul the creature to my side. When he stands on his feet next to me, I release him from the rope. "Oh! What a relief! I'm sorry that I forgot your name... Elena? Eileen? Serena?" I laugh. "Selena, and nice to meet you again, Ledd," I say. Ledd nods, and rubs his forehead. "Who did this to you?" I ask him. "Ah! Well, I was just diggin' up some treasure, you know, the real shiny stuff, when two of those red creeps pulled me out of the ground and hanged me up there," Ledd explains, and he shivers while thinking back about the event. I nod. "Did you see anyone else?" I continue to ask, wondering if Ghirahim knew more about this. "No, just those two. I thought I was gone for good, but then you showed up," Ledd grins at me. "I... I don't have much to offer you as a thanks... I.. I can-" I shake my head. "No, Ledd, I don't need a reward for saving you. It's my duty to help one another in need," I smile at him, and he smiles back, relieved, for the second time that day. "Alright. But whenever you need something, don't hesitate to ask around for me! I'm in your debt!" I pat him on the shoulder. "I will. Now, let's get out of here," I say, and I lead Ledd outside of the temple. There, he thanks me again before he dives into the ground, leaving nothing but a small hole. Link. I was so caught up in saving Ledd that I almost forgot Link. 

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