{23} Demise

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❖ "So.. What happens now?" Link asks the demon, and Ghirahim whispers the answer; "The Demon King will devour the soul of the Goddess, and ressurect in his full glory..." ❖


We all look at Zelda. As if Demise felt that we waited for his return, the ground starts to shake and the symbol in the middle of the pit lights up red. I hold on to Ghirahim, as we all walk to the edge of the pit. Zelda screams, and the black fire I saw earlier, lights up again, on the symbol. It continues to spread, and suddenly the Imprisoned appears out of the fire. It stomps around a little bit, before letting out a roar that can skin a person alive. The sound of it tuns my blood ice cold. It pays no attention to us, and it's mouth opens, and just like Ghirahim predicted, the Imprisoned starts to absorb Zelda's soul. "We have to do something!" I yell at the others, and Link nods. "Yes, but what can we do?!" I think about it, and before I can say anything else, the Imprisoned seems done sucking away the life in Zelda. Smoke. The following minutes, are made of silence and smoke. I forget to breathe, and Ghirahim puts an arm around me. When the smoke has cleared a little, we see a figure where the Imprisoned just stood. He slowly rises to his feet, and I see the flaming hair, and the shining, evil eyes. This man is made out of nothing but pure evil. I try not to crawl behind Ghirahim's back like some young kid, but I must admit, that's hard. This must be Demise. 


Demise took his time. His skin was made of the same scales as the Imprisoned once had, and he has a white scar on his forehead. I suspect that's a scar from the last battle against the Goddess Hylia herself. I feel Ghirahim's grip loosen, and to my horror and disgust, he takes a few steps forward, and bows with respect. "Welcome back to us, Master," he speaks, while still bowing. Demise doesn't answer, but stares at me with his red, flaming eyes. "You," I gulp. Why is he so interested in me? "You do not belong in this realm. Or in this timeline," he says to me with a deep voice. I nod. "Yes, I am fully aware of that," I say, trying to stay polite instead of spitting the words at him. "Hm. So you're the one responsible for the delay of my resurrection?" he scoffs, and I am trying the hardest not to fire an arrow at his ugly face. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I say with an ice cold voice, while staring him challenging in the eye. I will not bow down to this creep. He may be a king, but I am a warrior. I'm not any less than he is. "Hm. Allow me to enlighten, then," Demise points at Ghirahim. "This useless Sword Spirit, which was created to serve me, has neglected me for quite some time. And I suspect you have something to do with that," he explains. "Instead of being busy with my revival, he decided to weaken, and let his guard fall. He spent time with some mortal, and even developped feelings for it!" So I'm an 'it' now? "You may have succeeded, Sword Spirit, but at the same time, you failed! Long ago, you swore an oath to me. To aid me, to support me, to work for me. You became my slave, and now you're rebelling against me with those Goddess-following idiots?" he barks at Ghirahim. "Hey! After all, he did resseruct you! And I may be mortal, but I'm not deaf! I haven't heard you saying 'thank you' at least once!" I snarl at the Demon King, and he bursts out in laughter. "I'm glad you're enjoying my comment! But what's a king without respect for his followers?!" I bite, and Demise stops laughing. "This fool -he points at Ghirahim again- he doesn't even deserve my thanks! What did he do? Nothing! The only thing he did for me, was bringing the soul of the Goddess to me! I had to do everything myself! Breaking out of that seal, time after time!" I feel the anger welling up, and my blood boils. I take a few steps towards Demise, and I point at him, like that's going to help, before continuing my rage. "You are the saddest leader I've ever met! You're not even worthy of calling yourself his -I move my finger and point to Ghirahim to empower my words- master!" Ghirahim looks at me with appreciation, fear, pride and love. No one ever stood up for him like she did, it really touched him. Demise doesn't say a word. Instead, he raises his hand towards Ghirahim, and a purple light flashes. Ghirahim is struck by it, and collapses to the ground, eyes closed. "Ghirahim!" I scream, and hurry over. "Can you hear me? Say something!" I call while tapping on his head and chest. An orange light starts surrounding Ghirahim's body, and he is lifted into the air, still unconscious. I sniff, as I watch my lover float above the ground. The red diamond on his chest lights up, and slowly, something starts to make it's way out of the diamond. When I take a better look at it, I notice it's the hilt of a sword. Piece by piece, the sword is pulled out of Ghirahim's body. Then, the sword suddenly flies out, and Demise catches it without too much trouble. Ghirahim's body is now fully surrounded by orange light, and he begins to fade. Without a warning, he is sucked into the sword. Demise grins, and turns to me. "You see, little mortal, your beloved man is actually a sword. This is his true form, quite a shock, no?" I grit my teeth, and in the corner of my eye, I see Link walking over to us. Demise doesn't notice, he's too busy examining the sword that he pulled out of Ghirahim's body. When Link stands next to me, Demise fixes his attention on the young hero. "... So you are the chosen knight of the Goddess," he speaks in a low voice. "Intriguing," Demise looks up to where the body of Zelda is still floating in the air. "Pathetic, don't you think? The Goddess lowered herself to a mortal existence to keep me imprisoned, and look where that got her," he mocks. "This bag of flesh pales in comparison to the magnifience of her previous form," Demise continues, while pointing at Zelda. He slashes with his sword, and the body of Zelda is blown away by a little tornado. Link and I scream and we tumble over our feet to catch her, but I already notice that we won't reach her in time. Luckily, someone else does. He came out of nowhere, but I'm glad he's here. Groose sprints over, and yells that he's got it. I stop my tracks, and pray that Groose will catch Zelda. Groose jumps, and together with Zelda, he crashes into the ground. I hold my breath, until I hear Groose's voice: "Don't worry Link, Selena! I've got her! She's fine!" I let go of the air I kept in, and turn back to Demise. Link seems also relieved, and he follows my example. Demise observed the whole thing, and snickers before he speaks. "Hmm... So you three would stand before obliteration to aid the Goddess, would you?" he asks us. We give no answer, and Demise continues. "How curious... The humans I've known were weak things. Hardly more than insects, shivering under rocks and ready to flee at a mere glimpse of me," I draw my bow. "Well, we're not. We stand for what we believe in. And right now, that's kicking you back under the rock you came from," I say with a clear voice, and Link nods. "She's right. We are not interested in your fun 'n games, Demon King. We will not let you get away with this too easy," Demise laughs. "How cute! Two humans who are brave enough to stand up against me! However, this has never happened before, someone who rather stood against me in battle than crawl away in a corner. Very well, then. I shall prepare a place for us where we will not be bothered by distractions. If you still have the courage to face me, seek me there," I laugh sarcastically. "So you're basically running away with your tail between your legs, then?" I ask, and Demise gives me a cocky smirk. "No, little one. But I fight in style! Not in some dark pit created by the Goddess," he answers my question. Demise raises his sword skyward, and huge black flames appear out of the ground, surrounding him. "I've waited eons to return partly thanks to that useless demon. I can wait a few moments more to let you decide. What will it be? If you fear for your life, do not come for me, and hurry back to the rock you hide under," he calls out to us, and then, he disappears. A dark portal opens up and Link and I give each other one last look, and we take a step forward to the portal. Fi suddenly flies out of Link's sword. "Master, Selena, I have important information for you," she informs us. "Well, spill it, Fi. We have to hurry," I say to her, and she nods. "I will keep it short, then. Once you enter this portal, my analysis indicates a 0% chance that you will be able to return, unless you are able to vanquish your foe. Are you ready to proceed?" she asks, and Link and I nod at the same time. "I was born ready to kick some demon ass," I try to lighten the mood, and Link gives me a little smile for the first time since we left Skyloft. "Very well. I wish you the best," Fi says before diving back into the sword. "We'll do this together. We'll win, Link. We can do this. For Zelda, and everyone we lost," I encourage Link, and he nods. We draw our weapons, and with determination, hope, and fear for the future, we step into the portal, ready to face Demise.


End of another chapter! I'm so exited now we're getting closer and closer to the end! 

Before we coninue to the next chapter, I'd like to inform you that the ending of this book is totally different  than the ending of the game. There is absolutely no overlap, just so you know. 

See ya later!

xoxo ZilverSong

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