{22} Two Tigers

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A/N: I couldn't find a black and white tiger picture, so just imagine one is black, and the other is white lol.

"You may yet catch him before it's too late. Hurry!" Link and I nod, and we dash through the gates.


Link and I almost trip over each other while rushing outside as fast as possible. We hear a click of fingers, and huge, golden spikes in the shapes of diamonds appear out of nowhere, and they drill into the ground. Between each spike, smaller diamonds appear, creating a fence. The fence circles around the edges of the pit, the pit in the Sealed Grounds. This can't be good. Judging of the form of the newly created fence, there's only one person who could've done this. Ghirahim. Link and I push our noses on the diamonds, trying to get a better look at what's happening at the bottom of the pit. Ghirahim seems to perform some kind of ritual, because he teleports and makes weird little dances around Zelda's unconscious body. Or he's just doing a victory dance, that would be a typical Ghirahim-move, only something he would come up with. He stops with his weird dances, and lifts his gaze up to us. He knows we're here. Of course he does. He gives us a cocky smile, and focusses on Zelda. What happens next, I have no idea, because I get a push from Link. "We have to stop this!" he screams in my ear. "Yes, yes, I totally agree with you, but screaming in my ear won't help a single thing, Link!" I grunt, while rubbing my ear. Link slams on the fence of diamonds, but it doesn't move a single inch. Frustrated, Link throws his hands in the air. In the pit, Ghirahim seems still busy with whatever he's doing. Now, Zelda floats in the air again, while little sparks of light surround her. Ghirahim mumbles something I can't hear, but it looks like some kind of spell. The next moment, Bokoblins appear from everywhere. They're obviously here to buy Ghirahim some time to complete his ritual, and Link and I nod to each other, thinking the same thing. We have to fight them off, if we want to get to Ghirahim in time. "I'm going down there! You stay here and cover my back with your arrows!" Link shouts, and the sky turns almost pitch black. The Bokoblins reach us through a gap in the fence, and the battle starts.

Link sprints to the bottom of the pit, while slaying Bokoblin after Bokoblin. I shoot magical light arrows, but they don't seem to take interest in me, they are all after Link. I shoot as many as I can, and Link seems to make great progress. Ghirahim thinks so too, because he summons a barrier. Link is trapped with the Bokoblins.


After what feels like forever, we slayed every Bokoblin, and the barrier disappears. That doesn't mean the Bokoblins have given up. "Link! They have bombs now! Watch out!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I decided to move to the bottom as well, I want to aid Link, if needed. Link doesn't respond, but the heard the message. Again, after a little while, Link bumps into another barrier. The whole process stars over, and eventually, Link reaches Ghirahim, who isn't too pleased to see the golden-haired boy. Since I'm too far away, I can't hear what they're saying. But even a blind person can see that Ghirahim is incredibly irritated. He makes some wild arm gestures, before dashing Zelda into the sky. She floats at least 400 meters above the ground. I'm too busy with looking at Zelda, I don't notice the flaming diamonds Ghirahim stands in. I hear him rage, but I am still to far away to understand what he's saying. I forget how to walk, and am transfixed. Luckily, the Bokoblins have disappeared, otherwise I'd be dead for sure. The fiery diamonds change color, they become black, just as black as the skin on Ghirahim's arms. His cloak disappears, and now, he's surrounded by black fire. Out of nowhere, he pushes his hands into the air, and he's swallowed by the black fire. The ground begins to rumble, and in the middle of the pit, a symbol lights up, it's like a huge platform. The platform quickly rises into the air, and I have to squeeze my eyes to get a good look at what's going on. I make my way to the bottom of the pit, and I hear Ghirahim speak again in his black fire, but still cannot hear what he's saying. When the black fire disappears, I see Ghirahim again. But this is not the Ghirahim I know. He still has his white hair, but it is no longer long. It's short, and his skin is as black as the night. He as white diamonds on his skin, too. He also became a lot taller than before. I shiver. He looks dangerous. Deadly. A battle begins. Ghirahim uses no weapon and has no armor, but his new skin seems so strong, that he doesn't need any of the sort. Link hits him with his Master Sword, but deals no serious damage. The only thing that happens, is that Ghirahim is pushed further towards the edge of the platform with every dodge. He's almost on the edge! He'll surely fall if he doesn't teleport any time soon! But to my horror, he doesn't, and he falls down, to be catched by a new platform of golden diamonds. He doesn't stand up immediately, and Link also jumps off the first platform. He walks over, and plunges his sword deep into Ghirahim's chest. I gasp for air, and let out a weak cry. Ghirahim grunts, but stands -to my relief- up, and challenges Link again. Instead of lazily dodging, he starts to attack, too. With magic, he charges at Link, trying to hit or kick him when he gets the chance. Aside from beating the living shit out of each other, they also seem to argue about something. They're closer to the ground, and I manage to catch some words they're saying, like "...No other choice!" and "Manipulation!" or "Not my freaking business!" I wonder what this is about, this seems way more personal than just hating each other because of the revival of Demise, or the capture of Zelda. Link dashes forward, stabbing the Master Sword forward, and Ghirahim falls again, off the platform. I don't think he was aware of how close to the edge he stood, but anyway, at least he's aware now. Link repeats his circuit again, jumping off the previous platform, onto the one Ghirahim lays on, and burrying his sword into Ghirahim's chest. I don't know how he's still alive. Any other normal being would be dead over a hundered times. Now, I can clearly hear what they're arguing about: me.

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