Extended Summary

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"This is chaos. And not the good kind of chaos. The 'let me go die in a hole' kind of chaos."

"Oh calm down. It's not that bad. The boys aren't even here to stab anything."

Clary Fairchild wasn't the only daughter of Jocelyn Fairchild and Valentine Morgenstern. She has a twin sister named Everest who's not your average person. She hates sitting in chairs and stools, she's got purple hair, she's a writer, and she's had ties to the Shadow World since she was 4 years old. Unknowingly of course. But they were there nonetheless. Seelie friends, vampires who are like brothers, and Shadowhunter besties.

Now that Everest and Clary are 18, the protections are wearing off, and they're about to have one rollercoaster of a world thrown at them. While Clary pins after Jace and deals with everything involving that mess, Everest deals with a wider variety of issues.

She has to deal with people going in and out of her life in ways she never though possible, a new world that she thought she'd only ever read or write about, a sister who has little to no common sense when it's needed, and she's crushing on two guys who just so happen to be crushing on each other as well as her. But, to top it all off, Everest Fairchild has ADHD and is having a hard time keeping up with everything and keeping herself from having an Emotional Overload in the middle of the Institute. What makes it even worse is that Everest is losing almost all the ways she knows how to cope with things due to the Shadow World.

It's only a matter of time before the negative emotions that Everest has been pushing into a little box spring out again; only a matter of time before the chaos that is her mind overwhelms her. It's just a question of will she be strong enough to handle it all, or if she'll be too far gone into her mind to make it back to reality. It's a question of if her friends and family know her well enough to drag her out of the negativity that is sure to overwhelm her, or if they don't know her as well as they think they do. It's a question of if Everest will be able to be more vulnerable with people other than her best friends; if she can open up enough to the Shadowhunters and Magnus Bane to let them help her through the chaos.

It's only a matter of time before we know the answers to these questions.

This is Distractions, and this is the story of how Everest Fairchild shot her way into the Shadow World, and how she nearly let it shoot her back.

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