Chapter 5

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Both were sleeping peacefully hugging each other when someone came there and was shocked to see them like that.

Sm to sm2

Sm- are you also seeing what I am seeing.

Sm2- yes . They look so cute together when they are asleep and when they are awake no one can handle them.

Sm- I ship them.

Sm2- me too.

Sm3- me three.

Sm4- me four.

Sm and sm2 turned towards sm3 and sm4 and saw fainat.
( so sm and sm2 is none other than abhinavi)

Vaish- hey let's click some pictures of them.

Jan- ya they will be thankful to us someday.

All 4 started clicking pictures of sidneet. And after taking pictures from all angles all went back to their seats.


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