Chapter 68

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They didn't told about there 2nd and 3rd challenge to their mom as they won't allow for it so they mentioned that there are two more challenges.

VA- are you guys 1st class kids fighting over silly topics.

Sid- mom we are fighting for our rights and our Constitution gives us this right.

VA- are you done with your civics lectures.

Avu- I didn't knew you are this good in civics.

Sid- it was my favorite subject till 9th but then it got boring.

Avu- I understand

SA- vibha I think they are not interested in having dinner we should only leave.

Avu- no mom, we are coming. What is there in dinner.

SA- jeera alloo with dahi

Sid- oooo, interesting right avu

Avu- yes, very much.

Sid and avu sat on the dining table and VA and SA served them the food and sat besides them waiting for them to complete first then they will eat.

Both ate 4 chapati but no one was ready to give up.

Avu- mom give one more chapati

SA- avu are you fine

Avu- what happened mom

SA- you never eat more than 3 chapati and today you have already eaten 4 and want more.

Avu- mom the vegetable tastes awesome and today I am feeling very hungry.

VA- common sonia let her eat

Sid- mom I also want one more chapati.

VA- umm, ok I think you guys are very much hungry today.

Avu ended up eating 8 chapati and sid gave up at 7 and a half chapati.

Avu had a huge smirk on her face

Avu- mom now I am satisfied , the food was amazing. Thank you

Sid and avu left

SA a and VA were left speechless .


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