Chapter 22

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Avu- Mr. Siddtharth nigam will you please turn this side and do the honor to forward your hand.

Sid rolled his eyed and forwaded his hand.

Avu was shivering due to cold and she was wearing shorts and a crop top.

Despite Sid being rival of avu was nit able to see her like this . But due to he ego and attitude which he shows to avu he was nit offering his jacket.

Avu- siddtharth please wait for some time I can't write like this. My hands are shivering and writing could be spoiled so wait for CM to bring a jacket for me.

Sid - hmm, I understand.

Sid's pov-

This is wierd ahe is not calling me with wierd name. I think she is really feeling very cold and honestly the weather is cold.
But in March this much cold weather kinda wierd. But I think I should give her my jacket. No Sid she is your rival.

Sid's pov ends

Avu's pov

I was not in the mood to fight with this idiot but it was strange to see him talking this much politely with me. But Where the hell is this CM here I am freezing in cold and they can't arrange a jacket.

Avu's pov ends

CM- ma'am sorry but we are not able to arrange the jacket at moment.

Avu- but why

CM- it's early morning shoot so the market is closed and due to location we are not carrying many things. Sorry ma'am.

Avu- it's ok.

Now what will I do it's freaking cold here and I don't have a jacket. Wow.

Sid- hm

Forwarding his jacket in front of avu.

Avu- no thanks it's fine I can manage

Sid- If you want to die with cold I don't have any problem because there are still 30 minutes left for the shoot to start.

Avu- whyyy!!!

Sid- due to some technical difficulties. Now if you want this jacket you can wear it otherwise do whatever you want I don't care.

She took jacket from Sid's hand and wore it.


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