Chapter 59

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Time skip to morning. It was raining.

Vaish waked up abhi

Vaish- let's go, see it's morning.

Abhi- ya but let's take faisu and jan with us. If they get to know we went without them they can be angry.

Vaish- ok I am going to bring them you bring umbrella for all of us.

Abhi- ok will meet you in the living area

After 10 min all four were standing in the living room.

Abhi- jan and faisu why are you carrying clothes.

Jan- vaishu di asked me to bring avu's clothes.

Faisu- and me to bring Sid's clothes.

Vaish- because due to rain maybe their clothes got wet and they might require extra pair. You never know.

Abhi- ok, so I found these umbrellas take and let's go.

They reached the mountain House and rang the bell.

Faisu- why aren't they opening the door.

Jan- we can't stand here in rain.

Abhi- chill down, there was a balcony on  the backside of the house let's check if the balcony door is open.

They went towards the back side and the view in front of them made everyone almost faint.

Sid and avu was sleeping very close to each other with the same blanket covering half of avu's face. Sid's one hand was on avu's head and second pulling her close from her waist. And avu was hugging Sid like he is her teddy.

Abhi- What the hell ( rubbing his eyes) .

Vaish- it isn't real for sure.

Faisu- how is it possible.

Jan- they can't change in one day.

Abhi- vaishu I am gonna kill your brother for sleeping with my sister especially like this. And wearing this kind of clothes.

Jan- wait see there is a bowl and two forks.

Faisu- they ate together. MIRACLE

Abhi- I can't tolerate this anymore I am going to wake them up.

Vaish- me too.

They went near them and started shouting their names.

Avu moved a little in her sleep but didn't bother to look anywhere.

Avu( in sleepy voice) - Sid check who is shouting .

And she slept again.

Jan- she said Sid.

Vaish- I want to know what happened yesterday and what's going on right now.

Sid moved a little and hugged avu tightly.

Sid( in sleepy voice) - avu check na who is disturbing.

Avu- no you check, I want to sleep.

Sid- I also want to sleep

Avu- then sleep na

Both again slept

And the four had their eyes wide open.

Jan- how can these early bird sleep like this.


Vaish- you only wanted to bring them together now what happened to you.

Abhi- we all wanted but still.


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