Chapter 44

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Suddenly they heard someone scream from downstairs all ran and reached in front of kitchen and saw VA was helping SA to stand.

Abhi and sid went towards SA and helped her in standing.

Avu took the dining chair towards them and made SA sit.

Avu- what happened mom.

Sid was observing SA's foot carefully.

Abhi- how did this happened.

Jan- mom were you walking carelessly

Sid- you all are insane. Can't you see her ankle is twisted.

Avu- how do you know.

Sid- before an actor I was an sports person and I am very much aware about these injuries.

Sid- abhi bhai let's take aunty to her room. And vaishu di please bring the medical box there.

Vaish- ok.

Sid and abhi took SA to her room and made her sit on the bed.

Vaish came with the medical box.

Vaish- Sid here.

Sid took out an ointment out of it and applied it on SA's foot .

Sid- aunty now you take rest. You will get well by tomorrow.

SA- thank you Sid.

Sid- no thanks aunty, you are also like my mom. And now tell me how you twisted your ankle.

SA- actually me and vibha were cooking when I went to bring water but I don't know how while walking it twisted.

Sid- don't worry you'll be fine soon and mom you be with aunty we will take care of other things.

VA- ok but

Faisu- no if's or but's you take care of aunty we will see the other things .

Abhi- yes aunty and it's matter of only one day.

VA- ok fine, I am here but now it's lunch time so if you all are completed with your work then go to the kitchen and serve food for everyone.

All nodded and went .

In Evening all were chilling in the living room .

Vaish- soon it's going to be dinner time.

Abhi- so what.

Vaish- dinner is still not ready.

Faisu - let's order from outside.

Jan- cmdude corona.

Vaish- we can cook. Anyone except me knows how to cook.

Jan- I don't know properly but could help you.

Sid- I know little bit.

Vaish- great , so me, jan and Sid will cook. You all clean the living room. And make dining table ready for the dinner.

All  nodded and went where they were told.

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