Chapter 84

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First of all sorry for being so inactive and thank you for loving and supporting my ff's.

Read the last chapter if you you don't remember.

Back to the story

He moved his face forward and was very close leaving an inch gap between them.


Faisu- mom me, jan and our very new couple abhinavi can also make reels with them now otherwise they will make a excuse later on

Jan- FAISU stop teasing them can't you see the blush on their face, I think before sidneet they will make an excuse and run away

Vaish- you both, I will not leave you

VA- you all chill, go upstairs and see what are they doing are they making reels or again fighting like cat and monkey

All of them except VA and SA went upstairs and entered in sid's room without knocking or making any noise qw they knew sid and avu were in balcony making reels ( atleast what they thought) .

But the scene in front of them made them freeze at there stop.

From their angle it was looking something else only and they weren't able to process anything.

Somehow they came to reality and as usual they clicked their picture silently and left from their closing the door and ran down stairs.

At sidneet's side-

Sid kissed avu's cheek and moved back. And started laughing . Avu was looking down shyly

Sid- avu yaar you should have looked at your face

Avu looked towards him and was angry on him

Avu- WTH, you can't come this close to me without my permission

Sid- common at least fight with a good reason. And if I wanted I could have kissed you but you see I am such a gentleman. And i am not having that bad days that I have to kiss you.

Avu- very funny, you and gentlemen.

Sid- now you regret lying in front of everyone

Avu- not at all

Sid- you have last chance to change your answer because don't forget I still have three wishes.

Avu thought for a second or two but her attitude and ego didn't let her change her decision - of course i don't regret at all

Sid- as this your decision now you will see what I will do but right now I am tired so I'll leave , bye

He kissed her cheek again making her eyes widen and left towards his room.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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