Chapter 42

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In kitchen-

Jan- you clean them I will wash.

Faisu- no please you clean I will wash.

Jan- you

Faisu- you

Jan- you

They were shouting but not that loudly.

VA and SA who were also present in the kitchen came towards them.

It's a big kitchen.

VA- what happened kids why are you both fighting like sidneet.

SA- exactly here we are not able to handle both of them now you both Also don't start.

Jan- aunty, mom I told faisu to clean the utensils and I will wash them.

VA- yes so what's the problem in it.

Faisu- mom it eww, I will not. Tell jan to do.

VA- jan will also do but tomorrow. Today you will clean them and tomorrow jan .

SA- yes vibha is right you both do the work alternatively .

Faisu- fine.

All back went to their work.

VA and SA were talking when they heard voice of someone fighting. Both face palmed there selves and went to  the place where the voice was coming.

They saw abhi, sid, avu and vaish were fighting with each other.

All got silenced seeing there mother standing there.

VA- may we have the honor to know why you four were fighting .

Sid- mom, this wild cat and di are arguing with us.

SA- can any one of you help us by telling the reason of your pointless arguments.

Vaish- aunty we told the boys to start from downstairs. But they want to start from upstairs.

SA- see you all are fighting for no reason. You all are four so divide. Vaish and avu one of you start from upstairs and one from downstairs . Same goes for abhi and sid.

VA- sid and avu your rooms are upstairs so you both should start from upstairs. Sid will do sweeping and avu you can do moping where Sid have been done with sweeping. And same goes for abhi and vaish they will start from downstairs .

All- fine.

All went to there work.


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