Chapter 43

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Avu and Sid went upstairs

Sid- we will start from my bedroom.

Avu- ok

Sid- you didn't argued with me.

Avu - mom just told your arguments are pointless. And I don't have time to waste I have many other works also I can't spend my whole day working with a monkey with you.

Sid - I am warning you don't call me monkey Ms wild cat.

Avu- monkey monkey monkey

Sid- you are a time waste it's better I start with my work.

With this he started sweeping in his room.

And avu went and sat on his bed.

Sid- don't sit on my bed.

Avu- I will, you focus on sweeping.

Sid - it's my bed.

Avu- but if you have to sweep without disturbance let me sit peacefully.

Sid ignored her and completed sweeping in his room.

Sid- you do the moping I am going in your room.

Avu- no, you can't go in my room without me. I am moping in your room till then you sweep in the balcony.

Sid- fine.

Sid went in the balcony and avu started moping.

Both completed their work then went to avu's room.

Sid- it doesn't looks like a girls room.

Avu- what do you mean.

Sid- I mean generally girls room is decorated with cute and beautiful things and looks girly kinda but yours is totally opposite.

Avu- excuse me, we came here yesterday night so I didn't had time to decorate my room nor any stuff for the same. And you are saying as if you have visited many girls room.

Sid- yes  I have visited. I have a sister, mother and most importantly I am a actor so I have seen many rooms on sets.

Avu- whatever. Now sweep it, fast.

Both completed avu's room aand went in the corridor of their floor and cleaned it next were the staircase which they were doing but suddenly...


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