Chapter 73

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She quickly shut the door and ran towards Sid's room through the balcony.

Sid's and avu's room was at the opposite ends of the corridor so avu can reach before everyone.

She went inside took the water bottle kept on the table and threw the water on Sid's face. Before Sid could reply there was a knock on the door.

Avu quickly went and hid in the balcony. And Sid opened the door.

Vaish- Sid why are you exercising this late.

Abhi- ya bro and you are sweating badly.

Sid- actually mom and aunty made such a delicious food that I overrated it and slept overtime today. So thought to exercise now before lunch

VA- you should not do this much exercise before lunch this can effect your body.

Sid- Sorry mom will not do from next time.

VA- it's alright remember for next time.

SA- Sid it's time for lunch, you change and come down stairs

Sid- ok aunty , coming in 5 min

He closed his door. And went towards the balcony in full anger.

Sid- WTH you think of yourself, how dare you throw water on me.

Avu- I saved you idiot, if you told them that you were exercising and you weren't sweating a little bit also they have doubted on you.

Sid- you should tell me before throwing water on me.

Avu- you should be thankful to me and here you are acting like you are the king of the world.

Sid- at least I am the king of this house

Avu- then I am also the queen of this house

Sid😏- really, by the way I don't mind you as my Queen

Avu (blushed) - I told them that I am coming in 5 min I have to go and get ready see you later, bye.

With this statement she ran back to her room and sid stood their laughing.


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