Chapter 40

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They kept walking for next 20 min.

SA - so the wait is over.

Jan - but mom we are in forest only.

VA- Jan, don't worry you all will be seeing your surprise super soon.

SA- just close your eyes and no cheating.

Faisu- but how will we walk if we close our eyes.

Vaish- yes we can even fall.

VA- abhi and vaishu come here.

SA- avu and jan come here.

Sid- I got it, faisu let's go to RG.

VA- good boy, now all of you blindfold yourself and hold our hand on either sides and keep walking.

They walked for 5 min more and reached a beautiful place.

SA- everyone will remove their blindfolds on the count of three.

RG - 1..2...3.. Open your blindfolds.

Everyone opened there blindfolds and their jaw dropped to the floor seeing the view in front of them.

Sid 🥺- Mom is this a mountain House

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Sid 🥺- Mom is this a mountain House.

VA- yea , Sonia and I know how much you all love nature.

SA - and we also know that sid and avu always wanted to buy a mountain House.

All went and hugged their mom.

Avu- thank you Mom, thank you aunty.

RG - haww, I was the one who gave this idea and the credit goes to my sisters that's not fair.

They went and hugged RG, all did a group hug and broke it after a minute.

Avu- mom we can come here any time.

SA- yes you can here are the keys.

She forwarded one key towards avu.

SA- sid come here.

And she forwarded another key to sid.

Sid- no way I have to share this house also with this wild cat.

VA- yes way. Mr. Bandar

All chuckled.

Sid- mom please.

VA- ok, now you all go and see the inside of house.

Jan- mom you said that this news can become a bad news how is that possible.


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