Chapter 57

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After 10 min avu called Sid in the kitchen.

Sid- what happened.

Avu- see the maggi is ready but you tell me did you find anything WARM.

Sid- YES. I found a blanket and a heater and have kept both in the drawing room.

Avu- can we have maggi in the balcony.

Sid- are you out of your mind. See what we are wearing and the weather is too cold and still you want to sit in balcony.

Avu- please, we don't get this type of weather everyday. Please and we will sit with the blanket and heater in balcony please.

Sid- fine. But you are going to do the arrangements.

Avu- ok.

She quickly ran out of the kitchen like a kid got what she was wishing for.

She quickly settled everything within 2 minutes and again called Sid.

He came and was shocked that how she arranged at this speed.

Sid- you are totally mad. I am sitting you bring the maggi and hot chocolate.

Avu- ok

She again ran back

Sid ( to himself) - why this wild cat is behaving like a child. But still she looks cute.

He was smiling to himself.

Avu came back

Avu- hey why are you smiling.

Sid- nothing

Avu- then move I also want to sit.

Sid moved a bit and avu also sat inside the blanket with the tray in her hands.

Where they were sitting 👇

Sid- why is there only one bowl

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Sid- why is there only one bowl

Avu - I was not able to find another bowl so I  brought in one bowl only but it have two forks. And there are different mugs for both chocolate.

Sid- I can see it.

Avu- Mr Rude

Sid- aren't you felling cold

Avu- no the view is so beautiful and I am enjoying a totally different life so no I am not feeling cold.

While talking and enjoying the view they completed their food and for the first time they didn't fight while talking.

It had been 1 hour and the rain had stopped.

Both were still sitting and talking.

Sid- avneet the rain has stopped.

Avu- hmm so.

Sid- so, nothing I want to ask something.

Avu- don't tell me you want to propose me.

Sid- in your dreams. I was saying it's the first time we didn't fought for almost the whole day.

Avu- how the whole day.

Sid- soon it's going to be night.

Avu turned her head outside and saw that the sun has already set down.

Avu- how is it possible, and why didn't anyone came to see us.

Sid- idk but we can't go back till someone comes.

Avu- why

Sid- remember, clothes.

Avu - why it always happens with me. Leave it tell me what you wanna ask me.

Sid- so as we always end up fighting I think this time we can have a new start so will you be my friend.

Avu eyes were wide open as she didn't expected him to say this but the same time she was smiling.

Avu- no, I mean we can be best friend.

Sid also smiled and both continued with their talks and soon sleep took over them and they ended up sleeping there only.


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