Chapter 45

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In kitchen-

Vaish- I think we should make something healthy and light for aunty.

Jan- why only for mom, I mean if anyone doesn't have any problem then we can make something healthy for everyone.

Sid- I agree with jan, but jan first ask wild cat because she has a lot of tantrums.

Vaish😏- thinking a lot about your wild cat.

Sid- she is not mine.

Jan- we will see.

Sid- vaish di can we start cooking.

Vaish- ya sure my dear brother.

In living room-

Faisu- finally we are done.

Abhi- you both sit I am going to see mom .

Avu- I will also come with you.

Faisu- what will I do here I will also come.

They went to SA's room

Avu- mom is it still paining.

SA- when I have you all hiw it can still be paining.

VA- don't worry kids and ya we forgot to tell you a very important thing.

Abhi- what aunty.

VA- we knew you all didn't have clothes for more than 1 week so we brought your clothes with us it's in bags. Sid's, Faisu's and Vaish's are in mine room and yours and jan's are here.

Avu- thank you mom and aunty I thought I have to survive with only 7 pair of clothing for almost 1 month.

All chuckled and took their clothes except those who were in kitchen.

Avu- bhai I haven't posted anything on insta from past 2-3 days can you click my pictures.

Abhi - ok, you quickly get ready then I will click yours and you have to click mine.

Avu- fine.

Faisu- you both go. I am going to kitchen to tell three of them that they have clothes here. And check what are they cooking.

Three of them went.


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