Whiskey Talk • Misha Collins

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Sorry for the title. :)


You went in the little Country bar in your hometown just like you did every night. You hoped to find distraction there, from your fears, tears, past and just life in general since it didn't go too well for you recently. You were stuck in a relationship that didn't make you happy but you stayed with him anyways because you two had a little son to raise. He needed a dad, didn't he?
As you walked in you went straight to the bar. The only thing that could save you tonight was whiskey. Before you left the house you had a fight with your partner - again. You already reached a point in your relationship where you argued over the most stupid things, even small stuff like who of you was going to go and buy groceries. The spark was gone, the flame stopped burning. All you felt was darkness and rain.
Just as you were about to order your drink the bartender already handed you a whiskey glass.
„Should I be ashamed you already know what I wanted to order?", was what you originally wanted to say but you just couldn't.  The words were stuck in your throat. As you reached for the glass you noticed that your hand was shaking and sweating. You were full of emotional pain and sadness.
„Thank you.", you mumbled instead and sipped on your drink.

Meanwhile Misha :) :

„This is the place we're going to?", Misha asked, laughing, and looked at his friend Jason. „Are you serious?"
Jason just nodded and went straight into the bar. A Country bar. Country. Misha liked Country music, it wasn't that he was having a problem with but Jason talked so much about how great the place was and now it was... a country bar. It didn't even look special, just like any other bar. But okay, Misha would give it a try before he judged so he walked in as well.
„.... and over there is a stage for live music...", Jason introduced the place to Misha and pointed to the stage. He them pointed to the bar. „... and that is Nick, the bar tender..."
Misha waved over to Nick since he apparently saw Jason pointing at him. Nick nodded.
„... and - at the bar - the regulars Vince, Bolton, Sash and the other woman."
Misha looked at Jason and rose his eyebrows. „The other woman?" He laughed. „I'm sure she has a name."
„So am I.", Jason replied, „But she doesn't really talk so I don't know who she is."
Misha nodded. He understood. Some people came to places like this to see their friends, have a drink or two and then go back home while other people came to bars to forget about everything else. This woman seemed to be one of those people. She just sipped on her whiskey and stared at the wall behind the bar. She didn't look anyone in the eyes, just seemed to study the wall.
„We should play some Billiard.", Jason suggested, „I feel like I might win today." He rolled his shoulders, straightened his back, bended his head back and walked towards the billiard table. Misha didn't follow.
„Are you coming with me or do I have to play alone?", Jason asked and smiled widely. His hands were resting on the table.
„Just a second.", Misha said and walked towards the bar.
„Oh yeah, right! We need drinks!", Jason noticed now.
„I want a beer!!!!", he called after Misha but he didn't hear him any more.  He was already on his way towards the other woman.

Your POV
Who was that dude walking towards you? Wasn't that Misha Collins????? You knew you lived in the same town as him but you never expected to actually meet him one day. He was one of your biggest inspirations. But it was impossible he was walking towards you. Why would he do that?
„Hello.", you suddenly heard a voice behind you. It indeed was Misha's voice though. Shit.
You tried to look at him but you couldn't. Out of all the places your hometown had to offer it had to be this one where you met your actual idol?
„Hi.", you quietly whispered, staring at the counter.
„I'm Misha.", he introduced himself and took a seat right next to you.
You couldn't reply.
„And what does Misha want to drink?", Nick asked after a while, breaking the silence.
He ordered a whiskey. The same drink you had.
You were expecting him to say something but he didn't. Usually people said stupid things like „oh you look sad" or „such a pretty girl alone here?" when they saw you at the bar but not Misha. He just sat next to you in complete silence.
After a while you looked at him. He really looked as gorgeous as in TV in real life. What a man.
After a few seconds Misha turned his head and looked into your eyes.
Your cheeks turned red. „Sorry.", you whispered and quickly looked away. How embarrassing!
„It's okay.", Misha just replied, „I sometimes can't help but to stare at me, too."
You smiled. He was funny. Just like you expected him to be.
„Oh a smile!", he called you out, „I knew you could do it!"
Now you smiled again, a bit wider this time.
„You're an idiot."
„I know.", Misha admitted, „I am sorry."
Then again silence. You just sat next to each other for quite a while, while none of you said a word.
„Uhm... Don't you have friends to go to?", you asked afer a few minutes. You still didn't understand why he sat next to you or why he even walked towards you in the first place.
„Don't you?", he asked back and grinned.
Silence followed. But this time just for a few seconds.
„Sorry.", Misha said again, „As stated before: I am an idiot."
„Yes, you are."
„Sore spot?", Misha asked and you felt like your heart stopped beating for a second. How did he know?
„Your eyes got teary when I said that.", Misha explained, „I didn't mean to hurt you."
You swallowed. „It's okay."
Silence. But this time you broke it.
„But it's right. I don't really have someone."
Misha just nodded. He just accepted your words as you said them. No awkward questions, no words that made you feel even worse about your loneliness. Just a curious question: „So you go to bars to find a partner?"
You shook your head. „It's complicated."
„Don't worry, I have time.", Misha said, „I don't have friends either."
„And that dude you came with?", you asked.
„You saw him? I thought you only stare at the wall."
You poked in his ribs but also had to laugh. He was so straight forward but at the same time quite charming and funny.
„Don't worry about him.", Misha continued, „He's playing billiard and doesn't seem to miss me."
„Are you sure?", you asked and turned around to look at Misha's friend. He was actually playing billiard and seemed to be quite into the round he was currently playing.
Misha nodded his head. „Yes."
„Okay. But before I start to whine over my life we need more whiskey.", you stated and ordered two more for you and Misha. „Oh and my name is y/n."

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