Snow • Jensen Ackles

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This time a different narrative perspective and a little shorter than usual. Hope that's okay! :)


It was a snowy winter morning in Austin and Jensen turned around for the third time in his bed ... Couldn't he just spend the whole day in bed doing nothing? It was cold outside anyway. But unfortunately his fridge was also pretty empty and he had no choice but to go out and at least do the grocery shopping. So he tore the covers off his body and jumped out of bed - the faster he did it the less difficult it would be for him, he thought.

He made his breakfast and then went to the door and regretted it when he got to the car because he must have forgotten to put it in the garage last night, so it was completely snowed up. However, since he did not want to go back and get any aids from his house he tried to get the snow off the car with his arms.

"It's not going to work that way!", his neighbor yelled, laughing and went up to Jensen.

Wow, she is beautiful., Jensen noticed immediately, but of course he said nothing. He had never actually seen his neighbor before as he was mostly on the go or filming. Or maybe he just wasn't as attentive as he should be.

"Yes, unfortunately I have no choice.", Jensen replied and grinned at y / n. "Unfortunately I have to go out."

"You can take my car," offered y / n, "I was so smart and put it in the garage last night. I can take it later, I just have to grocery shop today."

"I just have to grocery shop, too.", said Jensen, "we could go together."

He hoped he didn't come off as intrusive or weird. The offer from y / n was really nice and he was really happy about it.

"If you don't mind," y / n replied, smiling softly. Her beautiful dimples showed up.

How nice was she? First she offered Jensen to take her car and then she asked for permission for a drive in her own car ...

So the two drove off. Well, y / n drove and Jensen was the passenger.

When they got to the store they first went to the vegetable and fruit section where Jensen couldn't help taking one of the bananas and using it as a "phone" to "call" the aliens on Mars. Jared had actually done that once when the two were shopping together and for some reason Jensen had to think of him at that moment.

Y / N laughed. "Are you always like this?", she asked and Jensen immediately blushed.

"Not at all.", he defended himself, "but a friend of mine is actually like that and I always find it incredibly embarrassing. Wanted to test how you react."

He grinned at y / n who could hardly kept together.

"I think I would like your friend."


When arriving at the cash register Jensen was actually a little sad that he would soon have to let y /n go again. Shopping with her was actually something special. Usually Jensen was the quieter type of person but with y / n he could just be what he wanted. No matter how crazy or silly she took him exactly as he was, without judging.

Once at the car Jensen just had to do it. He asked y / n if she would like to hang with him afterwards.

"What do you have in mind?", asked y / n. That was good. At least it wasn't a no.

"I don't know ...", replied Jensen. He hadn't thought that far yet. "So much is not possible because of that weather."

"You're right." , confirmed y / n and lifted the groceries into the trunk. When Jensen saw this he naturally played the gentleman and lifted them in for her.

"Do you want to come over to my house and we have coffee or something?", Jensen asked and looked y / n directly in the eyes. She nodded.

"Would love to.", she said softly, "But first we have to introduce ourselves."

"I'm y / n.", she said and held out a hand to Jensen.


"What kind of name is that?", asked y / n and seemed amused. "I really never heard that ever before."

"Honestly not?", asked Jensen. He was surprised. His name wasn't that unusual.

"No.", repeated y / n, "Jensen ... Who is Jensen?"

Jensen raised his eyebrows. Who should Jensen be? It was a name like every other.

"I mean, what kind of person is Jensen?" , explained y / n. "How does a Jensen think? What does a Jensen like? What does a Jensen not like? What dreams does he have, what goals ...?"

She closed the trunk.

"I just would like to know.", she added and smiled again as breathtakingly beautiful as she did all the time.

"You're more than welcome to find out."

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