Rush Pt. 2/2 • Jared Padalecki

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„You can't just...", you started but she was already in the room. However you couldn't resist either so simply followed her lead.

As you saw who was there you stopped breathing for a solid minute - or at least it felt like you did.

You saw Jason Manns, Misha Collins, Billy Moran, Briana Buckmaster and - of course - Jared.

„Oh, you again!", Jared noticed happily and pointed at you immediately. How awkward...

„Come, sit with us!", he offered and tapped on the free space on the sofa next to him. You just sat down in silence. You couldn't really believe what was happening in this moment.

Your best friend sat somewhere between Jason and Billy but you didn't care to be honest. For you it only mattered that you sat right next to Jared.

As if it was the most natural thing ever he immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulders which made you blush in a heartbeat.

„Should I put it away?", he asked and looked at you with his puppy eyes, „It's okay if it makes you uncomfortable."

He spoke all softly. He seemed to have immediatisieren noticed how you felt. As if your souls were connected...

„It's okay.", you just said and smiled at him, trying to appear more relaxed. But it wasn't that easy if you had such a hot man right next to you who also touched you.

You kept talking for a while and as time passed you felt more and more yourself. You even actually had a solid conversation.

After some time it was time to get to the panels.

„You're really cool!", Jared stated as you were about to leave the room and your heart skipped a beat, again.

„You are... not bad either.", you admitted, grinning, and Jared smiled at you with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. Wow.

„Oh my goooosh!!", you best friend squealed as everyone went their own direction. „He was flirting with you so hardcore."

Okay, she was definetly going crazy. But you let her keep talking because you liked the thought of her words being true, even though you knew they weren't.

You sat down in the panel room and watched a couple panels and they were all super funny and amazing.

During the third panel your best friend jogged your elbow and told you all the star guests were standing next to the stage. As you looked closer you noticed it, too.

„Let's go there.", she suggested. Did she loose all her sanity now? You couldn't just walk over there and be cool about it. But she went her way. But this time you didn't go with her. This was a bit too stalker-like.

A few minutes later your best friend came back.

„And? Are you in trouble now?", you asked ironically.

„No, but they told me to bring my cute friend.", she replied, smiling. While saying 'cute friend' she mimed exclamation marks with her fingers.

A confused „Eh..." was all that came out of you.

„Gooooosh... YOU! I'm talking about YOU!", she yelled and pulled your arm. What was happening now?

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