Kiss Me • Rob Benedict

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Rob and you laid on the couch together.  He had his strong arms wrapped around you while you had rested your head on his chest.  You could hear his heartbeat and for some reason it just felt soothing for you to just listen to it.

Boom ... boom ... boom ...

It sounded so consistent... Okay, maybe a little faster than usual but still soothing.  It signaled to you that he was still alive and that was all that mattered to you.

After almost losing him a few years ago you wish you could receive confirmation from him every day that he was fine but you knew you couldn't ask for it.  But now spending time with him and just knowing he was safe was a good feeling.  Like every time he was with you.

You snuggled a little closer to him to feel his warmth as Rob gently stroked your hair away.  You felt his soft lips on your neck.  His kisses were gentle, not energetic.  He made you feel safe and secure with him.

You remembered your first meeting exactly - how you instantly fell in love with his blue eyes.  At that time he didn't know anything about your existence - he was just someone you watched from a distance - but he was fascinating to you from the first second on.

While working on set you watched him whenever you had the time for it.  You were deeply impressed by the way he brought his characters to life while acting, how he always put a little piece of his own imagination and soul into them.

But you were just one of the many employees, nobody special.  You didn't even have a really great position on the set, you just were ... there.  Someone like Rob wouldn't say a word to you either way. Or at least that's what you thought.

Then lunch one afternoon came.  It was actually like every other lunch you thought when you were sitting at your table in the back corner of the room.  Usually some of your colleagues were with you but on this day you went to lunch earlier than usual because you had to go to an appointment after work and therefore wanted to leave earlier.

You looked around the room and saw some cast members stuffing their food from the catering into their mouthes.  Somehow nobody ever really took time to eat which you could understand, after all most of the actors had to try to study scripts, had to go into the mask next or the next scene was calling for them already.

When Rob entered the room of course your gaze immediately fell on him. Even the way he moved fascinated you. He seemed to be moving so smoothly, almost as if he didn't want to be noticed. He walked exactly as he was as a person: Quiet, calm, thoughtful, gentle and considerate.

You tried to look away from time to time so you didn't stare too much but you couldn't resist.  You were just caught in his beauty.

Rob also seemed to notice your looks because he turned to you and waved.  Your heart jumped a little and you noticed how warm it suddenly got.  Did he really wave to you?  You turned to see if someone was sitting behind you but there was nothing but the wall.  You waved back cautiously and hoped that you were really the one he was greeting because otherwise it would have been quite embarrassing.

But Rob smiled so apparently it was really you he meant.

He grabbed some food from the buffet and ... went to your table ??  You could hardly believe it until he actually and truly sat in front of you.  You barely got a word out but you didn't have to anyways because Rob got it for you.

"Do you mind if I sit down with you?"

And after that moment it was all settled. That little moment at lunch was your first conversation and you quickly found out that you were on the same wavelength.  You were soul mates, there was no other way to describe it.

And now you were here and everything was ... perfect.  Rob was perfect.  The feelings he awakened in you were perfect.  He made you happier than anyone ever could.  He was your light, not only in the dark but also during the day.

You turned to him and looked into his blue eyes again.  The eyes that had fascinated you from the start.  It is always said that eyes are the key to the soul and that was the truth.  His eyes radiated the same calmness that Rob had in him, too. He brought you down when you were about to loose reality and you loved him more than anyone.

"I'm glad we found each other," Rob whispered after a short while, taking your face in his hands.

You've been together for 13 years now and you still loved him like you did the first day.  Every time you looked at him you saw the same man who enchanted you on the set more than a decade ago.  You still felt the same fire for him as when you fell in love first and since then it has never stopped blazing. You fell for him every day, again and again.

You loved how he put his arm around your shoulders when he spoke to you, how he always gently kissed you on the cheek when he passed you and you stood "in the way". How he hasn't yelled at you in all the 13 years, not even once... you can't even remember a single argument you had. You were like strawberries and cream a good friend of yours once said and you liked that comparison. You just fit together.

Before Rob you never thought it would be possible to find such a love but now you were wondering how you ever lived without it.  Nobody should die without ever having loved like that. Unconditional and honest.  He was your security that you needed and you knew that you would never let him go.

"Me too.", you replied and put your lips on his.

"I love you."

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