Just Call Me Chuck Pt. 1/2 • Chuck Shurley AU

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Chuck AU - Chuck x Reader
Mood: happy

As every morning you went to your postbox to ... well, get your post. While you were walking your way you were thinking about the day ahead of you and your plans. Today you had a day off because your boss told you you were working too much. Actually you only did the most necessary but of course you didn't want to take your boss's illusion so you just kept with it and treated yourself to a day off. Maybe you could clean your apartment again. It definetly was necessary...

As you opened your postbox a ton of magazines fell out, right in front of your feet. Your crazy neighbour always threw them in your postbox. You weren't even sure if he did it on purpose because in your opinion he definetly wasn't fully sane. Maybe he was mentally ill, who knew?

Usually you would feel sorry for him because he never got a visit and sat at home the whole day and wrote his books. It wasn't really a surprise that he turned crazy, as lonely as he was.

You still decided to not make a scene out of it but rather took all the magazines and threw them - as always - in the trashcan. Your neighbour annoyed you since you moved there but you never had the guts to actually confront him. This morning you hadn't either.

Therefore you went back to your apartment and opened the letters you got. You had a bunch of bills to pay, a bit of advertisements and a few vouchers. Nothing special actually.

As you opened the last bill you decided to treat yourself with a nice breakfast this morning. You had a day off... You wanted to enjoy it.

There wasn't much in your fridge but it was enough for a small, warm breakfast.

Just as you wanted to fry some eggs you heard a loud clank coming from the apartment next to yours. Nice... Now your neighbour was going completely crazy. Amazing.

The clank didn't stop for quite a long time but you didn't really pay much attention to it. Your neighbour always dropped stuff on the floor. It was something he did on a daily basis. Why would it be different this morning?

Therefore you continued making your breakfast and sat down at the table. All you heard now was silence, nothing coming from the apartment next to you. Usually your neighbour always started swearing whenever he broke something but this time he seemed to not complain at all. Or you simply didn't hear it anymore. Just as you started to get a bad feeling about it you immediately heard him yelling around. So what. Everything the same.

Actually you have only seen your neighbour once before. You also didn't really know anything about him, not even his name. You just heard him ranting every morning and almost never saw him walking outside. He didn't even empty his mailbox regularly. Sometimes the post man even ringed your bell because he had no idea where to place all these letters but you never wanted to take them for your neighbour. Actually you didn't even want to talk to him at all because he seemed scary to you.

Just as you wanted to place your plate in the dishwasher it clashed again next door. Apparently he plate of your neighbour had broken. You actually was wondering for a second that he never went out to get new dishes, as often as he destroyed some.

So you went to the house cleaning which you finished relatively quick. Usually it took you hours because you always got distracted but today you really stuck with it so now you still have almost half of the day to relax.

You decided to go downtown to buy some groceries as you heard loud clinking multiple times, coming from the apartment next door. He couldn't be serious right now... What the heck was he doing there?

The clinking didn't stop. It sounded like someone threw anything against the wall. You were so close to calling the police but you rather decided to go next door and see yourself what's going on. You didn't want any trouble with this weird guy.

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