Invisible • Dean Winchester

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Dean Winchester - Dean x Reader

The bunker was all silent because nobody - except for you - was there. You didn't really have an idea what to do with yourself either. Okay, you could have done some research but you couldn't bother to. There wasn't a TV. Okay... There was one but it was broken and you couldn't remember the passwords of Sam and Dean's laptops. There weren't good books. Just lore or old books from the Men of Letters. Looks like you hadn't any other option than doing nothing at all.

For a short moment you were thinking about cooking something but you knew that Dean would get you something to eat anyways. He never came back from a hunt without some fast food and you actually loved him for this because you really had a thing for unhealthy food, too.

But this was just one of the many traits you had in common with Dean. You two could have been soulmates. At least in most aspects. Probably this was the reason why everyone referred to you as the „dream pair". In Deans eyes this name was way to clichéd but you liked it. „Dream pair"... Yep, that's what you were.

You really loved Dean a lot. Hunting with him became one of your favorite activities. Actually pretty stupid if you consider the fact that every hunt also meant risking your lives but you trusted Dean enough to know that nothing would ever happen to him. And if something happened to you... Well, that didn't matter to you.

As you just sat down at the big table which stood in the center of the bunker your repose was interrupted by the loud banging of the bunker's entry door.

It was Dean who opened the door and entered first. He was packed with two valises so he seemed to also carry Sam's luggage - if you could even call it luggage which was actually an overstatement. They only took one handgrip per brother to their hunts. The weapons were in the car anyways and they didn't need much clothing or rather didn't bother too much about it. To most hunts they didn't take anything at all except for what they were wearing anyways, some shower foam and a suit for investigations.

But there wasn't Sam following after Dean. You were just about to ask where he was as Dean went out again. Okay, something clearly went wrong there...

You still decided to remain calm and patient for a while and wait on your chair. Maybe it just looked worse than it actually was.

After a while Dean entered the bunker again. Sam was with him this time but he seemed to be hurt and was leaning on Dean.

„Oh Gosh...", it slipped out of your mouth with shock. Sure you knew that there was a high risk of getting hurt during hunts but it never happened to the boys ever before. Okay, there were smaller damages from time to time like fractured ribs, contusions and lacerations but Sam didn't look like he only had a few bruises.

„What happened?", you asked but Dean and Sam were already out of sight and hearing. Probably they went to Sams room for Dean to patch him up.

You decided to go there, too. But you remained in the background. You had no idea how to take care of wounds anyway and to interrupt or even just talk to Dean right now wouldn't be too much of a smart move. He would probably give you a testy reply. So you decided to merely watch and pretend to not be there at all.

You looked at Dean how he puttered around with bandages and other medical stuff and were pretty surprised how experienced he seemed to be. In another life he could have been a doctor, there was clearly sort of a talent dozing inside of him.

„Man, I'm sure it's broken...", said Dean and pointed at Sam's left leg. „Honestly, you should visit a doctor... A real one with a diploma and shit."

Sam actually looked like he was in pain. And if you could see it in Sams eyes - what you could - it had to be really intense. You saw him squirrel away all kinds of pain but this time it was different.

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