Hold Me • Gil McKinney

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Gil McKinney - Gil x Reader
Mood: drama

"You don't have to do this alone.", whispered Rob right in your ear as he was holding you tight in his arms and compassionately stroked your back.

"We are all there for you.", added Matt, who was right beside you.

You and Rob sat on the big leather couch in the sitting room of a convention and Matt sat in a squat on the floor next to you. He as well had a hand placed on your back.

As cute as these two were towards you, your tears somehow didn't want to stop flooding. You have been in a relationship with Gil since almost ten months so far and you never ever fought before. Until this morning.

Both of you said things you should have never said. Many words fell. Bad words. Loud words. Harsh words. Hurtful words.

You knew each other that well that you immediately knew each others weak spots. You knew exactly how to hurt the other and that's why neither of you ever did that before. Until this fight.

For some reason you got so much into it that you begun to only throw around with random words after some time. And now, right in this moment, all you ever wihsed was to be able to take everything back.

Of course it wasn' all your fault, both of you said mean things. But for some reason you simply couldn't be mad at Gil. You were rather mad at yourself.

Why did you not give in or aologized? Sometimes you just hated yourself for being that stubborn.

And now... Now it was probably too late.

You fought at this convention here, exactly on this morning, until you ran out of your hotel room, of course not without slamming the door as loud as you could.

Usually all you wanted was to be alone and think about everything but unfortunately you had no idea about conventions and their backstage area and walked straight into the sitting room where Rob and Matt have already been.

Both of them of course immediately asked what happened since you looked pretty swollen from crying and now you three sat here and Matt and Rob gave their best to comfort you.

"I don't even deserve you.", you mumbled into Robs shirt, crying. You probably already looked like a panda because you might have used a little too much mascara this morning.

"You know we are always there for you.", said Rob softly, still stroking your back.

You really liked him. He was always a shoulder to cry on for you when you had problems of all kinds and he always knew good advice. Probably because he was older than you and therefore more experienced.

But this time you could only help yourself, you knew that exactly. You had to swallow your pride and talk to Gil. Everything else wouldn't really make sense.

"Thank you.", you muttered and got out of Robs hug, "Honestly."

Matt joined you on the couch now and you continued talking about what happened.

Just as you calmed down a bit Briana entered the room, too. She looked striaght in your eyes and widened hers.

"What the fuck happened?", she asked concerned and walked towards you. She squatted down right in front of you.

"Just a little fight with Gil.", you explained, "But I think we can fix that."

She smiled at you and this smile gave you the strength you needed to be able to talk to Gil.

You stayed in the sitting room for a little longer. As time passed more and more actors came in while others went out. Depending on who was just having autograph or photo sessions.

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