NY • Jensen Ackles

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*TW: mentions of suicide *

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You walked through the streets of NYC, your hometown since you were 19 years old. Back then you decided to move here for your education but after you got your degree at NYU you simply couldn't leave the city. You came from a small town in Texas and couldn't help but to stay in New York. You loved it, with all it's flaws.
Christmas music was playing in the background and you would never get why they started so early. It was November! If you'd make the rules there'd be no christmas music until a week before the holiday.
As you kept walking you still couldn't help but to take a look at the christmas lights that were already up as well. The beauty of them always amazed you even though you never really celebrated christmas since ... it happened.
You went in a small book store to get a book for your mom. It became sort of a tradition that you send her a book each month for her to read. This time it wouldn't be a novel for the first time ever but rather a cooking book. "The Adventurous Eater Club" by Misha Collins - one of your favorite actors. You couldn't wait to send it to her because you could imagine the surprised look on her face when she'd open the package.
As you stood at the shelf and pulled the book out to take a closer look at it you felt a man lurking over your shoulder. He had his scarf wrapped around almost all of his face and wore sunglasses and a beanie. Who the heck wears sunglasses inside?
„Sorry, can I help you somehow?", you asked as he didn't stop staring at the book.
He stepped back a bit.
„I wouldn't recommend that.", he said with a deep voice and pointed at the book. „Unless you want to get food poisoning."
You couldn't help but to grin.
„I already tried a few recipes and so far I'm fine.", you snapped back, „But thanks for your uncalled opinion."
You went to the checkout and bought the book anyways. You already owned a copy and you loved it - you were sure your mom would love it, too.
As you walked out you saw the sunglass man again. He stood at a pillar on the other side of the street. Creepy, you thought and tried to ignore him but of course he crossed the street and walked behind you now.
„You really got the book?", he asked while following you.
„Yes.", you said and kept walking away from him. At least he wouldn't murder you since you were on a quite busy street - or at least you hoped he wouldn't.
„Why?", the man asked, „I told you it's bad."
„And I told you I don't care."
You walked around a corner, the man still followed you. You stopped and turned around.
„Would you please stop following me?", you asked angrily and looked straight at him. „It's getting weird."
„Sorry.", the man said, „Just wanted to apologize for being a creep in the store."
You took a deep breath.
„You wanted to apologize for being a creep by being even more creepy?"
„I think so."
He took his sunglasses off.
Oh shit.
Your jaw dropped. „No way!"
You were so shocked, you stepped a few steps back.
„Didn't know I looked that bad today.", the man laughed and took the sunglasses back on.
„No, put them off."
You regretted it the moment you said it. Why. Did. That. Just. Slip. Out. Of.  Your. Mouth.??
„What?", the man asked and laughed again.
„Sorry, never mind.", you tried to end the conversation. „It's just.... What are you doing here? Aren't you living in Texas?"
The man nodded. „I am. We are here for a convention and I wanted to get a book for Jared. The man loves reading, you know?"
„I do.", you said and nodded your head. Jared loved books and educating himself - you as a true fan knew that.
„But I can't find anything and you looked like someone who reads a lot.", the man kept explaining to you. Someone who reads a lot?? Was it the glasses? The trenchcoat? What made you look like someone who spends their days reading? He wasn't wrong though, you were just surprised he immediately saw it.
„So, you, Jensen Ackles himself, wanted to ask me for book recommendations?" You couldn't help but to laugh. That was too hilarious!
He just nodded his head.
„Yes.", he admitted, „But then I saw what book you were holding in your hands. I had to comment on it."
The scarf he had wrapped around his face was now rolled down his neck so that you could see him smiling widely.
„Jared is a smart guy, get him a classic.", you said and smiled back.
„He probably already read most of them."
A breeze of wind blew through your hair causing it to fall in your face.
„We should go back to the store and I help you.", you offered and struggled to get the hair out of your face.
„Thank you.", Jensen said, stroking your hair aside.

Back in the store you worked through the shelfs, showing Jensen one book after the other. Jared apparently actually was a true reader because according to Jensen he already knew most of the books you'd usually recommend.
„So... What made you think I'm a reader?", you asked him while looking at the back of a book you never read as well. „Was it the glasses?"
As you looked up Jensen looked like he was thinking about something. It also took him a while to answer.
„No.", he said after a bit, „I just ... felt it."
You laughed again and put the book away. You were supposed to make a recommendation for Jared and you couldn't recommend a book you never read either anyways.
„And what exactly made you feel that way?", you kept asking. You wouldn't let him go without a proper answer to your question. He didn't say anything.
„The trenchcoat?", you asked. „The hair?"
He shook his head.
„You look sad."
Wow, thanks.
You turned around and now looked into Jensen's eyes since he put the sunglasses off again.
„And sad people always read a lot?", you asked.
„No, but sad people in a bookstore do."
You took a breath. Was it that obvious?
„It's the Christmas lights and music.", you explained, „My brother took his life a few years ago. We found him on the 25th."
„Shit. I'm sorry.", Jensen apologized, „I didn't mean to dig that deep."
His eyes filled up with tears.
„It's okay."
He shook his head. „No, it's not. I shouldn't have said that."
„Maybe it was what I needed to hear since I never told anyone ever about it.", you replied and smiled at him, „So, congrats, you're the first."
You took a book out of the shelf. It was in a beautiful gold-brown binding. You tried to see what book it was so you kept turning it around.
„I have no idea what book that is but it looks pretty.", you said and handed it to Jensen who kept turning it around as well.
„It is.", he said. You decided to get it for Jared. The worst that could happen was that he already read it but at least it looked good so Jensen bought it.
As you left the store you wanted to say goodbye to Jensen.
„Thank you.", he said and smiled.
You shivered, not sure if it was from the cold or because of Jensen Ackle's presence.
„Thank you.", you replied and smiled back. You waved at him and turned around to go. Jensen stopped you.
„Can I invite you for a coffee?"
You startled in surprise. Did that really just happen?
You wanted to say yes so bad but the word just didn't get out of your mouth so you just nodded your head.

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