Hunters, Angels and...Women • Team Free Will

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Team Free Will x Reader

This story reveals the ultimate cure for endometriosis!


„Alright, I got us some burgers!", Dean excitedly announced while walking down the stairs. The boys just came home from a hunt around two hours ago and apparently didn't bring anything to eat so that Dean decided to leave to get some food for you all. You and Sam waited in the bunker.

„Yes!", you exclaimed. Burgers were on top of your favorite food list so you went to the kitchen a bit too quick to get you all some plates and cutlery.

„I will never get used to these.", Dean commented and took a plate in his hand to turn it around in front of his face.

„It's a plate, Dean.", you said dryly. „Don't tell me you've never seen that before."

„Seen? Yes. Used? No.... At least not outside of a diner."

„Then where do you eat your food from?", you asked and unpacked your burger out of it's box to put it on your plate.

„Right out of the container?", Dean said with his mouth being fully stuffed with food.

„We never really had something like a household.", Sam explained. He was actually rearranging his whole burger, carefully sorting out everything that was unhealthy, which led to not being a lot left on his plate after all. „Before you moved in here we almost always ate outside or went for beer-dinners."

„What's a beer-dinner?", you asked curiously and added ketchup to your burger.

Dean was so kind to explain it to you:

„No food, just the good old hop."

and you immediately regretted asking.

After dinner you decided to go to sleep but your well deserved night rest wasn't supposed to last long.

At around 3:00 AM you were woken up by an immense twitch in your midsection. It felt common to you and you immediately knew what was happening.

You tried to move to the bathroom but you could only barely walk due to the intense pain. Living with endometriosis was hell during your period, especially in the first few days.

After you made all necessary measures a girl had to take during her woman days you crawled back into bed. You took a painkiller but knew it wouldn't help at all anyways.

You just laid there and hoped to fall back to sleep but of course this didn't happen. You would really need someone to tell you it's gonna get better soon right now but you lived with Sam and Dean who both were men and probably didn't understand you anyways. It was the first time you've been on your period with them actually being in the house. Before that you always got it while they were on hunts or busy with hell- or heaven-business you had zero idea about.

You tried again and again to fall asleep but the hours just passed by and your pain didn't get any better at all but rather even worse. After four hours of suffering you couldn't bear it any longer and felt tears streaming down your face. Noone would ever understand what people with chronical illnesses have to go through, all they ever did was to judge.

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