Perfect Life • Richard Speight Jr.

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Richard Speight Jr. – Richard x Reader
Mood: cute

You were softly woken up by the sunlight that shone through your courtains. Usually you would get up now because it was pretty hopeless for you to fall back to sleep anyways with the room so bright but you decided to stay in bed for a little longer because you knew how much your husband loved it to wake you up in the morning. You didn't want to take that joy from him. So you closed your eyes again and pretended to still sleep.

You laid with your face towards the wall. Your husband laid behind you, facing your back.

About half an hour later you felt a gentle hug from behind.

„Rich...", you murmured, acting tired, just as you just woke up, „Let me sleeeeep."

„But you would miss the whole beautiful day." , he breathed in your ear and laid upon you. You felt the warmth of his body through your pyjama. He always gave you a feeling of comfort and safety.

You turned around what made Richard fall back into his half of the bed. You laid next to each other now and looked each other straight in the eyes. Richard had his arms wrapped around you.

You softly kissed him on the forehead. He laid his hands on your cheeks and pulled your face close to his. You kissed each other right until you stopped after a while. You leaned on Rich and his strong arms held you safely. You felt comfortable and warm when you were near him, it was perfect.

Richard gently laid his lips on your ear.

„I'm gonna make us breakfast.", he whispered and smiled. He treated you so good. You sometimes really wondered if you were actually worth all of this.

He made you breakfast every single morning. And he didn't only make you some sandwiches. He always created a warm, perfect breakfast buffet. And he did this every damn time when he was home. You told him many times that you could make breakfast once, too, but he never wanted that.

„You deserve a rest sometimes.", he said. You loved him so much.

This morning he made a huge breakfast, too. As you smelled the bacon even in the bedroom you got up and quickly put your gown on. You went down the stairs of your house and sat on the table.

Richard brought you everything and sat on the other side.

Before you could grab something to eat, he took your right hand and stroked with his thumb over the back of your hand.

„Did you sleep well?", he asked softly and looked you in the eyes. You could see his beautiful, golden eyes. They were so incredibly deep. You fell for them every damn time you looked at them again.

„How could I not sleep well, laying next to you?", you asked, grinning at him. He just smiled back and took a fork to eat some of his scrambled eggs.

„I made you tea.", he said and pointed to the cup in front of you.

„Thank you.", you said and smiled at him. He needed a long time until he finally could remember that you hated coffee but after some time he knew you better than anyone else. He knew all your strengths and weaknesses, bad habits, good habits... everything. Sometimes you even felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself.

After breakfast Richard cleared the table and you went to take a shower and get ready for the day. He followed after some time and - of course - was ready before you were.

As you made your hair he came into the bathroom, too.

„Ah daaaaarling...", he begun, pretending to be annoyed, „Are you serious?"

You gave him a confused look through the mirror.

„You don't have to do your hair.", he said and grinned into the mirror, „You look beautiful either way."

He then hugged you from behind and you let your hair fall down and leaned on Richard. You turned around in his hug and looked up into his eyes.

„I don't think so.", you laughed and laid your arms around his shoulders. You had to go on your tiptoes a bit because Richard was a lot taller than you.

„Sometimes I really wish you'd see yourself through my eyes.", he said, unfamiliarily serious and pressed a kiss on your forehead. As you replied nothing he added a „Seriously." and stroked over your back.

„And I'd still like to do my hair now.", you just said and grinned at him.

„Okay...", he blinked and released you from the hug and left the room.

As you were ready Rich stood right in front of the bathroom door.

„Did you seriously wait here the whole time?", you laughed and stroked  a strand of hair out of Richards face.

„Maybe I want something from you.", he whispered in your ear.

„Richard!", you laughed, „The kids are still in the house!"

You stroked over the back of his head and looked into his gorgeous eyes.

„They are asleep anyways.", he said but you knew that he understood your point because he just gave you a soft kiss on your forehead and added: „I think we should wake them up."

And that's exactly what you did now and also helped the little ones dressing up.

„Are you excited for auntie Gen to pick you up?", you asked happily.

Your nanny cancelled for today because she was still a student at college and had to study for her finals so you and Rich gave her a day off. Your best friend Genevieve therefore offered you to take care of the kids because „you two need a day off".

You told her several times that she wouldn't have to do that but she insisted on it until you finally agreed.

The kids loved Gen.

„Are we gonna see Odette, too?", asked Fletcher.

The kids couldn't see Gens and Jared youngest addition to the family yet but they were super excited.

„Yes.", you gave back and smiled at him.

The kids all started cheering and clapping. What little, adorable munchkins...

„But you all have to get ready first.", you instructed and the boys really hurried up this morning.

After you had breakfast for a second time with the kids the door bell already rung and Genevieve was in front of it with her husband Jared.

„Hi!", you welcomed them friendly and hugged them both, „It's so kind of you to take the kids!"

„It's fine.", said Gen and smiled at you, „You deserve a day off from time to time."

„Thank you.", you said and meant it that way.

In the background was Rich trying to convince the boys that they need shoes to go out.

„Whyyyyy?", asked all three of them at the same time.

„Wow, they are like three little Richards.", laughed Jared.

„Oh yes.", you smiled and helped Richard with the chaos.

After a while you finally managed to get the boys dressed out of the house.

You quickly sorted the wardrobe and then went to the living room where Rich sat on the couch.

„And now? What are our plans?", he asked and grinned at you, „Now with the kids being out of the house..."

„Aren't we having dinner with Matt and Rob?", you asked. If you remembered it correctly then this was the plan for tonight.

„But it's such a long time until evening.", said Rich and stretched himself. You sat on his lap.

„Well...", you said seductively, „I'm sure we will kill it in the best possible way."

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