Moonlight • Matt Cohen

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Matt Cohen - Matt x reader

„You really wanna go and have a picnic?", you laughed, standing in the doorframe, waiting for Matt - or as you called him Matty. Who still did such things? When your friends had dates they went to the movies or in a restaurant but nobody you knew went for a picnic. If you were honest it reminded you a bit about your elementary school years because that was the last time you had a picnic. But you also thought it was kind of a cute idea since it surely wasn't a run-of-the-mill date as everyone had them.

„Oh yes!", you heard Matt calling from upstairs. Probably he was still standing in front of the mirror doing his hair. He really needed ages until he was ready in the morning...

„Matty...", you urged him, grinning, „Are you about to spend the whole day in the bathroom, or...?"

You had to laugh. It was really funny that he needed longer in the bathroom than you.

„I'm hurrying!", he called but after a while still didn't walk down the stairs. You sat back on the couch. Don't hold your breath, Matty...

„You wanted to leave the house in the morning.", you reminded him, laughing, „If you keep that pace it's not going to work out!"

„Hey, don't stress me out!", Matt laughed and your heard how he dropped something on the floor. Probably his hair gel.

You were just about to turn on the TV as you heard Matt walking down the stairs.

„Oh, you actually made it!", you deadpanned, „Is your hair fine now?"

Matt for his part just rolled his eyes and walked towards the door but you didn't follow him.

„Are you coming?", he asked. Somehow he looked kind of small as he stood there in the doorframe. And that even though he was around 6'3 tall.

You just grinned at him provokingly. If he could spend a solid hour in the bathroom you were allowed to dawdle for a bit.

„What if  I'm not coming?", you asked cheeky and showed off your prettiest, most devilish smile you could deliver in that moment.

„Then I'm going for you!", Matt announced and ran over to the couch. Being there he took you bridal style and spun you around.

You had to laugh.

„You idiot!", you grouched while he kept spinning you around. As he stopped you gave him a quick, soft kiss on his cheek.

„... But I still love you.", you added and snuggled up to him. He buried his face in your hair.

„Do you let me down now?", you asked after a while, laughing. Even if you could have remained in his strong arms for hours...

„Nope.", Matt whispered in your ear and carried you to the car.

Arrived there he let you down softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he kissed you flamingly. You returned and let yourself sink into the movement of his lips.

„I get a lot of kisses for being an idiot.", Matt declared, grinning, and stroked through your hair.

„Who says that idiots can't be lovable?", you snapped back and got in the car.


At the lake - where you wanted to have your picnic - you still had to walk for a while until you got to the spot Matt had picked to open out the blanket. It was only accessible on foot and you have never been at the spot before.

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