Twisted World Pt. 1/2 • Matt Cohen AU

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*trigger warning* *trigger warning* *trigger warning*

Do NOT read 'Twisted World' if you are sensitive or might be affected by topics like suicide, selfharm, depression or similar mentions!!!


Matt Cohen AU - Matt x Reader

Chemistry class. Once again. You were honestly so sick of it. There was no subject you hated more than sciences. On one hand you weren't really good at them. Actually you were already pretty happy about a solid D on your report. And on the other hand you hated your teacher. He was old as dirt and followed the curriculum like he was obsessed with it. He didn't even wanted to know about fun or extra-school activities. He seemed to be teaching the same way since the beginning of manhood: He sat stolid behind his desk, looked scornfully at his students and asked questions that nobody could or wanted to answer.

And he was never too late... What species of mankind was he to never be one little minute late?

You didn't like this man. Well, you didn't like anyone from your school but this man capped it all.

Your class was supposed to start at 7:30 which meant there were still ten minutes left for you to at least try to prepare for the lesson. You spread your notes and books all over your table and tried to look at what you've written down the last lesson.

You haven't really followed last time because you had already given up on this subject anyway but you at least tried to work with the bit you had.

Engrossed in the PSE or whatever this thing was called you tried to get it straight but you didn't really succeed.

Suddenly you heard someone entering the room. That had to be your amazing teacher.

„I give up.", you murmured and leaned back and looked into someones eyes. But instead of looking in the eyes of your teacher - as you would have eypected it - you looked into the eyes of a man you've never seen before. You assumed him to be around 30 or maybe 35.

„I would give up, too, if I had your notes.", he said to you and pointed at the chaos of papers and notes in front of you. While he did that he grinned at you like he was the king of chemistry.

„How kind of you to read my notes without asking me.", you snapped back. Usually you were a pretty kind soul but if you disliked someone right from the beginnig you simply couldn't pretend courtesy.

Your counterpart defensively held his hands in front of his chest and moved away from your table in the first row and went towards the teacher's desk. He scratched something like „Coven" or „Cahen" on the board. You couldn't read it and actually you didn't even care.

„Weeeeeeeeeell...", he begun talking and you would have loved nothing better than to demount the surface of your desk and bash it against your forehead. Teachers who started their lessons like that were never taken seriously.

He babbled something about being your new chemistry teacher from now on because your old one appeared to be sick fairly long-term what was - of course - a true shocker to you.

The boys in your class did their usual bullshit like throwing paper planes around or placing bubble gum under their tables but the girls didn't talk like they usually did but rather were completely silent and drooled over your new teacher. That was so typical. As soon as a youngish teacher walks in he has his first admirers after around four seconds.

„I am Matt Cohen by the way.", continued your new teacher enthusiastically. At least you knew his name now. „I hope you are going to have fun with me."

Yep, for sure...

For the first lesson he announced that he wanted to do an experiment. Probably he felt pretty cool now because he thought you would have fun.

Okay, for most students it actually was fun because it at least was better than the usual teaching. But you hated experiments because that always meant you would have to work in groups and you weren't really best friends with your classmates.

But you braced yourself. After all a new teacher meant a new chance, too. Maybe you could deceive him for at least a short period of time and he would think you actually knew what you were doing in chemistry. That would at least get you a good grade for the next quarter.

This attempt was doomed to failure because it already collapsed while you tried to rig up the materials. You dropped the test tubes with a loud clank.

„Sorry.", was all you said in the direction where your teacher stood and then you cleaned up the mess. Your teacher just grinned at you.

„You could help me instead of grinning like an idiot.", you said. You didn't let anyone laugh at you, not even your teacher. Especially not this wannabe one.

Of course he did not help you.

The flinders were cleaned up pretty quick. In the meantime someone else from your group got you new test tubes. They probably did not trust you anymore and you couldn't blame them.

You did not understand anything about the experiment, not even what it was for. You just knew that you were supposed to mix up some liquids and write down when they change their color.

Since everyone in your group knew exactly that you had no idea about chemistry they quickly chose you to be the one to mix everything together while the others wrote down the results. You were pretty fine with it.

You did good. You took the liquids you were supposed to and everything happened the same way it did in the other groups. That always was a good sign.

Now it was time for the last liquid.

Just as you begun pouring it in the tube you felt a sharp etching on your arm.

„Fuck!", you screamed in pain and dropped the test tube. You couldn't believe that this... whatever this was actually was on your arm now. Amazing.

„Oh my gosh, clean it!" „Oh shit!" and „To the bathroom! Quick!" was all you could hear but you couldn't really move because of the pain you felt. This stuff really burned your skin.

„Wait a second!", you heard your amazing teacher yelling through the room, „Which liquid was it?"

„I have no idea.", you said, quietly, as you calmed down at least a bit and held your arm, still in pain. „I will just go and wash it off."

But there was one thing you remembered from chemistry class: You couldn't just wash off every liquid with water. Some might even cause more damage when they mix up with H2O.

„Is it okay?", you asked, in pain. You couldn't have sounded anymore stupid but you didn't really care either.

Someone from your group explained in the meantime to your teacher which liquid it was which was now on your skin.

„Yes, go quick!", yelled your teacher who was suddenly all frantically and you went towards the school toilets as fast as you could but your teacher held you back.

„Wash it off here!", he said. He said something about the liquid and that you needed to clean it off fast but you didn't really pay attention.

„Here?", you asked, frightened, „In front of everyone?"

„Yes.", said your teacher, looking pretty confused. He turned on the water and played it on your arm but you pulled it back and ran to the school bathroom to wash it off yourself. Luckily noone followed you.

You didn't want anyone to see what else was on your wrists, except for the liquid.

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