Savior Pt. 3/4 • Team Free Will AU

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Part 3

The rest of the day went quite usual: My cardigan on the heater was cut up and drawn on as I came back in the classroom, in English class they played football with my pencil case and economy actually went quite well.

Wow, Castiel, your protection is working perfect., I thought ironically as I - on top of all that - fell down the stairs.

Suddenly Castiel popped up next to me.

„You told me to lie low.", he said and wanted to help me get back up, „To me that means to only intervene when there's a risk of death."

I also told you to stop reading my thoughts., I thought angrily because I for some reason knew it was only me Castiel was visible to since the rest of the people didn't seem to notice him at all. If I spoke loudly now everyone would think I was talking to myself.

„I can't protect you if I'm not in your head.", he said, still offering me his hand but all I did was rolling my eyes and got up by myself.

I sat on the stairs as if nothing happened, ignoring the laughter around me.

„How old are they?", Castiel asked, now sitting next to me, pointing at the people around me.

16-19., I think, Depends on their grade.

„But doesn't everyone get grades at school?", Castiel asked, completely puzzled and looked at me. He looked all serious which was why I had to laugh out loud. This was probably the point everyone thought I was a freak but it didn't matter either way.

The bell rang and I would have to go to the next class but I ignored it.

„Come with me.", I whispered towards Castiel and took his arm to walk down the hallway.

The calls of my teachers were something I ignored.

„What are we doing?", Castiel now asked.

I looked down on his black leather boots.

„I want you to go visible.", I explained to him and felt he immediately did so. That's why I went away with him, to prevent him from doing this in front of everyone.

I pulled him back to the classroom. He was visibly older - or at least his vessel was - than the students but I hoped to be able to introduce him as my older brother or something.

„Oh there you are!", my teacher commented as we went in the room.

„Yeah... I had to pee.", I said, ignoring the laughter of the class.

„And on the hallway I met this dude.", I continued, trying to think of a better way to introduce him than as my brother because who brings their brother to class???

Castiel nodded, a bit too intense.

„I am... Jimmy.", he said, „Jimmy Novak. I study lectureship and want to watch the lessons in this class... If that's okay of course because if it's not I can convince you, I have good arguments..."

I knitted my brows and pursed my lips. He did good. He really did. Teacher trainee was way more believable than what I was about to say.

„Oh, looks like I missed something.", my teacher said, looking quite puzzled. I really hoped he wouldn't ask for any documents or something like that or even worse: walk over to the principle.

Don't worry. , Castiel's voice popped up in my head, I forged the documents and brought them here. They are all at the office.

If that was relaxing to me was a different kettle of fish but luckily he didn't even try to check anything.

„But you can take a seat somewhere.", my teacher added and smiled widely. He enjoyed being able to show a 'younger teacher' how things went here and play the wise one, it was clearly visible.

I had to grin and turned around to get to my seat. Castiel took the seat next to me.

At first my teacher looked a bit confused of why his trainee teacher took a seat in the front row but he didn't say anything and left it that way.

All I did was hoping that the lesson would go over quickly and it actually did.

Next thing was lunch but on the hallway my biology teacher ran into me. Damn, I totally forgot her this morning!

She asked me around 10 times how I was and if I needed help and where the scratches on my neck came from. I assured her that I was fine and the scratches just came there by accident and walked away. I didn't even explain what that 'accident' was supposed to be but I didn't bother. I could feel her glances on my back and  knew exactly that she didn't believe me but she wouldn't get more from me than these lies.

As I was about to walk around the corner to get to the cafeteria I ran across Castiel.

„Why didn't you tell her the truth?", he asked and I looked at him, startled.

„How do you know of the conversation?", I asked, slightly mad and tried to walk past him but he didn't let me.

„Because I am your guardian angel, I know everything you do.", he explained, bluntly, and placed a hand on my shoulder.

„Listen.", he started again and I didn't even want to know what he was about to say since I could already guess it pretty well, „You should talk to someone about your problems. Especially about your stepdad."

Just hearing the word stepdad made me tear up.

„That's none of your business!", I yelled. I was completely beside myself, didn't even notice what I was doing. I didn't notice Castiel's hand on my shoulder, how I pushed it away. How I pushed him away.

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