Stanford • Sam Winchester

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You quickly walked down the long hallway of your college.  You were pretty late again because your roommate was in the bathroom for  what felt like hours because she made her hair ... or whatever she was doing there.  In any case it had taken quite a long time which meant that you could only go to the bathroom 20 minutes before the start of your lecture which is pretty little when you consider that it took you a good 10 minutes to walk there because your dorm was not really close to the law lectures.  Somehow you made it on time.

"Oh, someone there is trying really hard to be on time.", said the guy you just sat down next to. You had no time for a great choice of seats.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have made it here from the dorm within 5 minutes," you replied, unpacking your things.

"Right.", he grinned at you, "That's why I started  my way early enough."

When the lecture was over you stayed a little longer in the hall to take notes.  Everyone else had already left, after all it was Friday, but you would start the weekend early enough and not really understand the materials, just to be in the dorm maybe an hour earlier wasn't worth it.  You didn't make it to Stanford to care more about your weekends than law.

When you had written everything down you left the room where your seat neighbor from the lecture was standing in front of the door.  He was holding a flyer.

"Are you going there?", he asked, holding the flyer under his nose. "Halloween party" was on it.

You shook your head.

"I guess parties aren't my thing."

"Oh, come on, there's free alcohol!"

He grinned at you.

"Are you really trying to get me to go there with you?", you asked him and had to smile. Somehow he was cute.

"To be honest, yes," he replied and looked at the floor, he stepped nervously from one foot to the other, "... sorry, I never do anything like that ... Like asking girls for dates."

"And to ask me you waited for almost an hour in the hallway?", you had to laugh. "You're crazy!"

You went back towards the dorm and your seat neighbor ran after you.

"That doesn't answer my question," he called after you. He really didn't give in ...

When you arrived at your room, you grinned at him, went into your room and closed the door in front of him.  You didn't want a date.  Okay, he didn't look bad, but ... you've never had a date and you didn't want to embarrass yourself with your awkwardness.

However, he also looked really good ...

You opened the door again and he was actually still there.

"Okay," you agreed and he smiled at you in relief. "But you have to tell me your name."

"Sam," he said, reaching out his hand. You took it.

"Y / N.", you introduced yourself.

"See you then."

Now you just had to find a costume spontaneously because your wardrobe was not necessarily equipped for a Halloween party.  However, your roommate was able to help you out and finally you went as a nurse.

When Sam picked you up, you were surprised.  He wasn't dressed up at all.

"Are you serious?", you asked and rolled your eyes in annoyance, "I spent hours trying to find something to wear ..."

"But I'm dressed up," he replied, smiling at you. "As a law student. Isn't that enough?"

"But you look very good.", he added.

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