Change Pt. 1/2 • Sam Winchester

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*trigger warning*
for the following topics: domestic violence and similar topics


Sam Winchester - Sam x Reader

Your husband was amazing. You loved your husband. He was yours. And you loved him. A lot. ... Okay, stop, this is an awful beginning of a story. So let's try it again:

Relaxed you sat on your big porch swing and stared at the sky. It was dark but the stars were clearly visible. Almost a metaphor for life... You know, there's always a light and shit... Of course it is. That was something you firmly believed in.

Okay, this beginning for a story isn't really much better but at least we have a more suitable start now.

Anyhow you enjoyed the silence. It was rarely that quiet around you. Your life in particular was quite turbulent and actually you'd prefer to grab your belongings and run away. But you couldn't because of your husband who you were not allowed to leave. Your baby should not have to grow up without it's father.

The quiet was interrupted relatively quick again.

Y/N!", you heard a loud scream from upstairs. Immediately you run up the stairs. What the heck happened?

You couldn't exactly figure where your husband's scream came from so you tried your luck and opened the door of his workroom because that's where he sat at his desk most of the time. He had a huge company to lead in order to be able to pay for the mansion you three lived in.

But your husband wasn't there.

As you just turned around to go to your bedroom to look for him there you were headed off by him standing in the doorframe.

„What are you doing in my workroom?!", he asked, sounding slightly annoyed, slightly threatening. He ostentatiously rolled his eyes. He didn't even look at you, seeming to totally despise you. But you couldn't even blame him. It was stupid of you to walk in the wrong room. You think you should have heard where his voice was coming from.

You looked at your husband with big eyes.

„I'm so sorry.", you apologized carefully and looked at the ground. You know what was about to happen now, what you thought you deserved. You closed your eyes to be on the safe side.

Your husband took your face in his hands.

„Sweetie, look at me.", he whispered and raised your chin so that you had to look him straight in the eyes. They seemed to flash. That was the look he always gave you in situations like that. You were so stupid...

„I...", you started and wanted to apologize again but you were interrupted.

„It's okay, baby.", your husband whispered and kissed you on the lips. You returned the kiss dutifully. Maybe he could forgive you then.

He kissed you really... passionately. You felt how you were pressed against the hard beton wall behind you, feeling the cold surface through your shirt on your back.

He pressed you harder and harder against the wall but you didn't complain. That had to be his way to show you his love and you thought that was okay. Everyone showed affection differently.

Suddenly he stopped kissing you.

„Are we even now?", he asked and looked at you askingly. You just looked him in the eyes. What did he want to hear now?

But you didn't need to worry about it for too long until he asked again.

„Are we?", he repeated, this time sharper and pushed you away from him on your shoulders. You dashed against the wall. That for sure was about to end up with a bruise.

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