*trigger warning!!!!!* Morning Sun • Jared Padalecki

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*HUGE trigger warning*

First person narrator this time. Enjoy.

„Look! There!", you said and pointed up to the sky. It showed all it's prettiest morning-colors. And just like in a movie a few stars shone through as well. It felt like a dream. Or maybe it was a sign...

I wanted nothing more than to take the stars away from the sky and bring them down to gift them to you. All of heaven's stars were the least you deserved. You deserved the stars, the moon, all the planets which fascinated you so much... You deserved everything and nothing less. And I wished deeply I could have given it to you. I would have flipped the entire world around for you and the universe, too. I would have brought everything into chaos, a huge imbalance, if you would have just asked me to. I would have walked all across the globe on my bare feet until they bleed. I would have done everything. But you decided to walk with your eyes closed, constantly the weight of the unknown above us when you would crash a wall and smash it all into pieces. And all I could do was watch.

„Look! There!", you said and pointed to the left.

What I could see was the silhouette of the city next to us, how it's small lights shone lightly and faded with every minute that passed because the sun kept rising and made all the once so bright lights suddenly appear meaningless. Crazy how easily a light can be unseen if the conditions change.

The houses that were there seemed so small. We were bigger than the entire city. Okay, maybe not actually but at least for that moment. For this simple, small moment we were big. We stood above it all. Together.

„Look! There!", you said and pointed to the right.

There was a forest and the green of the trees seemed to shine. A soft wind blew through them and their leaves started shaking, almost as if they were cold, but it was probably just me overanalyzing it.

I felt how you held my hand tighter and tighter. You were shaking, just like the trees. You melted into the environment and I wish I would have fit in as well.

„Look! There!", you said and pointed to the ground where the green grass touched our toes. Yes, I felt it. How it still was a bit damp from the drops of dew on it. My painted toe nails didn't fit the scenery at all but whatever. I didn't want to think of it.

I stood firmly on the ground to be able to feel it one last time. The soggy grass beneath my feet, between my toes. The tender drips, how they rolled over my feet, almost as if they were vainly looking for a goal that didn't exist. Desolately they ran over my skin until they reached the floor, where they came from, and seeped in it. Back to the nature, their origin.

„Look! There!", you said and pointed behind us.

But there wasn't anything. Just the long path we travelled to get up here. Nothing but sticks, stones and ugly memories. There was nothing that was worth going back for.

„Look! Th-", you wanted to start again but I didn't let you. I pressed your hand a bit tighter, to feel it again. To feel you.

And I kissed you to taste you. One last time your lips on mine. One last time the mild taste of your breath in my mouth.

„Ready?", you asked. No. I wasn't ready for anything. I didn't even know if what we did here was right but I didn't have a choice. I agreed on it and now there wasn't a way back.

I looked back one last time. The path was rough and stony. One last thought on the memories we would leave behind now. The bad ones and the good ones. But I assume that was the price we had to pay.

„Look! There!", you said again and pointed in front of us. And we walked. Further and further. One step after the other. Until you stopped.


I said your name softly, a light glimmer of hope in my voice.

„One last breath.", you said, „Just one."

And we closed our eyes and soaked the air in. One last time. As much as we could.

Our lungs filled with air and as I opened my eyes again I thought I felt hope for everything to eventually turn out okay. But I closed them.

„Okay.", I said and a tear ran down my cheek. I clinged onto your hand. You were the only constant I had right now.

And you held mine.

Please don't go.

„I will hold your hand. I promise.", you whispered. I couldn't tell if you promised that to me or to yourself.

But you held it. You kept holding my hand. While we kept walking. Further and further.

Until I couldn't feel anything underneath my feet. No grass. No ground. Just nothing.

I couldn't see anything either. Nothing in front of me, nothing behind me. All that was there was you. Your hand holding mine. And the wind. I could hear the wind. A last cry of the nature.

Maybe it missed us. We will never know.

And then... then all of this turned black. We crashed the hard, rocky ground.

If someone misses us? I don't know. Probably.

If we left something in this world? Probably nothing but pain.

If we could have been stopped? Probably.

All it would have took was one word from you and I wouldn't have done it. And you... you just needed one word from me. But neither of us said it. We were too determined.

Our plan was to jump and none of us wanted to be the idiot who copped out.

I wish you would have been a damn idiot, Jared.

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