Why? • Jensen Ackles AU

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Jensen AU - Jensen x Reader
Mood: sad

Full of emotions, you entered the hospital. It almost felt like you were drowning in your own emotions. You were so confused and sad... all at the same time. How could all of this have happened? Why haven't you been there as you should have?

The hospital was a little older. A little was actually quite an understatement. Your mom always said it "almost fell apart" and she somehow had a point. Many buildings in this town should have been renovated long ago but the community lacked money.

The windows were dirty, some even broken. As you walked through the floors you perennially noticed strange spots on the walls. It was a mystery to you how anyone in there could ever recover. You were highly convinced people in there probably got more and more sick the longer they had to stay.

You didn't even know where to sign up as a visitor because the reception on the first floor was not busy. But you didn't want to wait either. So you decided to walk through the building to find somebody else who could possibly help you out.

You were already walking through the hallways of the hospital for at least 10 minutes and slowly you were going crazy. All these thoughts were running through your head and nobody was here to help you out? This couldn't be real!

You stopped and looked around once again. You felt more and more sorry for the patients in this hovel. How could the community let a hospital become this dilapidated? As soon as all of this would be over you would move out of town, for sure.

You walked a bit more down the floor but still couldn't manage to find someone. After a few minutes you recognized a room. Nurses' station. Someone had to be there. You decided to give it a try and knock on the door.

Surprisingly somene opened. There was a stressed looking, elder woman in front of you, with grey hair and deep worry lines on her face. She looked at you with a mixture of sadness and allegations in her eyes and you immediately knew you were disturbing her in her routine.

"I... uhm...", you started shyly.

"Let me guess...", the woman interrupted you, "You want to see a patient and nobody is working at the reception?"

She didn't even wait for an answer. She just contiuned talking.

"You are already the third for today. I can't believe they are even saving when it comes to the staff... I mean... We are a hospital! We need staff!" She looked really mad. You assumed she was one of those nurses whose job is not only a job to them but rather a mission. "Anyways... Who do you want to see? Maybe I can help you out. We don't have many patients anyways. Everyone who can afford it sends their relatives to other hospitals. All you can find here are the poor or people without any families left... Pretty sad, actually."

This time you interrupted her. You didn't want to hear a lecture about the hospital. Not now. Not with everything that was going through your head.

"I'd like to see Jensen... eh... Ackles. Jensen. Jensen... Ackles."

You were a mess. You even almost forgot his name.

"Oh... the car crash! I remember!", said the nurse immediately and a grey strand of hair fell in her eyes, "Horrible! And he's so young..."

She wiped the hair out of her face. And while she did that you were trying really hard to keep everything together.

"I...", you started, "eh... no... where... where is he?"

You were trying really hard to hold back the tears and your heart beat faster and faster with every second that passed. All you wanted was to see him but still you were highly afraid.

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