Savior Pt. 1/4 • Team Free Will AU

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So the next story is not an imagine but a short story (first person narrator) and has four parts. I hope that's okay for you.

Oh and:
!!!trigger warning!!!
Do not read this short story if you're sensitive towards mentions of abuse, bullying, depression, suicide or similar topics!


It was one of these days again... I would be much more optimistic and start every morning with a smile on my face if I just could. I'm usually not negative at all but some people around me make it really hard for me to remain positive.

Once there is my wonderful step-dad who doesn't give a damn about me. He saw me crying right in front of him, literally breaking down in tears, and he didn't even ask once why.

My actual dad passed away when I was still a baby. I never really knew him and actually never saw more of him than his tombstone. My mom also never showed me pictures. She said it would just make her even more sad. I should probably add that she fell in a huge depression after he passed. She always said she was fine but everyone around her knew she wasn't. A year ago she took her own life which probably was quite a proof that she was definetly not fine at all.

And now I live with my amazing step-dad who didn't even adopt me as my mom passed away. He also never misses an opportunity to remind me every day that I'm not his daughter and can be so lucky to even be allowed to live with him. Basically he was right though. It's not like I wouldn't appreciate him at least providing me a roof over my head. I am actually quite thankful but I don't think that this "favor" he is doing me backs up to him putting mental pressure on me every day, emotionally abusing me and even hurt me sometimes. I wish I could report him but where do I go then? Without him I don't even have a house.

I turned around in bed once more. The motivation to even get up at all is something I have lost long ago.

As everything with my mom happened I started loosing all my friends. They never knew what had happened because I've never really been that kind of person to talk about their problems but they noticed I have changed. They said I was always sad and they couldn't deal with it anymore. And as time passed they started to align with the rest of the class... I start believing the actual reason why they ended contact is that I am embarrassing to them. Who wants to be friends with someone the whole class is talking about?

The talking started as soon as someone found out my mom suffered from depression. First they just tattled a bit which was something I could deal with pretty well but as she passed away I started showing up to school with bruises, scratches and wounds - thanks to my stepdad. Of course I was hiding them since I didn't want teachers to notice but during gym class it was sometimes pretty hard to cover everything up. And they never missed a chance on commenting them and making fun of how clumsy I was. I'm not sure if they'd still say such things if they actually knew my story but I preferred the chatting over the idiots in my class finding out the truth. Therefore I put up with the bullying. I didn't really have a choice either way.

After around 20 minutes of pointless turning around in bed I pulled myself together and got up. Because of the lagging I had epic 10 minutes left to get dressed but my class wasn't worth it to be pretty for anyway so 10 minutes were more than enough.

The only good thing about mornings is that my step dad is still sleeping it off and therefore leaves me alone. Same goes for this morning.

I take a bread roll out of the kitchen to have something to eat for the way to school and leave the house.

Luckily I could walk to school so I don't have to take the bus with people from my school. But the joy over this didn't really last long as I arrived at school. I opened my locker and raw eggs fell my way. The runny inside was everywhere - on the floor, on my locker and on my shoes. How did they even manage to open the locker in the first place?

Before I get to clean up the mess I have to check if something is missing since things got stolen in the past. But this time I got lucky: My stuff seems to be all there.

I therefore went to the bathroom in order to get some paper towels. That the bell already rung was something I decided to professionally ignore. I had zero motivation anyway and besides that I couldn't just leave the raw eggs there.

I cleaned up the mess and went to the class, 20 minutes later than supposed to.

„Oh you're there!", my amazing biology teacher greeted me happily. If it would have been any other teacher I wold have thought her happiness was faked but she just worked that way. I smiled back, apologized for being late, ignored the chattering of some of my classmates and sat on my chair.

I should have checked my chair before though since I sat down right into a big puddle of coke.

„Seriously?", I yelled into the room and jumped off my chair, „What the fuck?!"

Everyone started laughing and my biology teacher tried hard to calm down the situation.

„Shush!", she yelled for the fifth time now but this time much louder so that it finally worked. I wonder why she didn't do it this way at the first try but at least everyone shut their mouths now.

„Are you okay?", she asked now.

„Yes, I am.", I lied, „I was just... surprised."

But of course she kept asking questions until I had to explain everything.

„Do you want to go to the bathroom, change your clothes?", she asked but actually it was just my cardigan that was ruined since I had it wrapped around my hips.

„I'm getting paper towels.", she said and left the room.

I put my cardigan over the heater and hoped nobody would touch it even though I was still already planning where to get a cheap new one.

The teacher came back and insisted on helping me to clean everything up. But of course my scarf fell off my neck and showed off all the bruises and scars on my neckline. I put it up as quick as I could to put it back on and hoped nobody noticed something but I heard laughter just seconds later.

„We talk later.", my teacher announced which made the class laugh even harder. It all got too much.

I stormed out the room since tears streamed down my face.

The bathroom obviously was the only safe place now.

This day it all really reached a whole new level. I was just at school for roughly 80 minutes and so much shit happened already. I hate this place!

I stormed down the hallway in the hope of nobody noticing my tears but just after a few metres I see someone standing in the passage. Probably a teacher, based on the way he was dressed with his suit and trenchcoat.

„Hello.", he greeted me baldly without showing any form of facial expression. I was super prepared for a compassionate question of him about my tears or a row of questions why I was crying.

„Hello.", I said equally bald to make sure he understands that I don't want to talk. I tried to walk past him but the teacher put a hand on my shoulder.

„I'm Castiel. An angel of the Lord.", he introduced himself and I had to grin. He is definetly crazy! If he was seriously a teacher I was wondering about how he got the job if he introduced himself as an 'Angel of the Lord'.

„I'm Raphaela, archangel, wife of Raphael.", I snapped back and hoped to be left alone now.

„No.", Castiel said, all businesslike, „You are *insert cute name of your choice here*"

I looked at him in confusion. Why did he know my name? I've never seen him before!

„Are you a teacher?", I asked, looking at 'Castiel'.


I raised my eyebrows.

„Oh right!", I exclaimed, pretending to be dramatic and put a hand on my forehead, „I forgot! You are an angel!"

„To be exact: Your guardian angel."

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