Far Away • Dean Winchester

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Dean Winchester - Dean x Reader

letter no. 344


I miss you. I know you told me I should not write you letters every single day because you receive them in batches twice a week but I can't help it. If there's no way to talk to you in person I at least want you to know what's going on home in that way.

And there's so much that is happening, Dean. And I'm not talking about the usual crap like monsters. They are your thing, you can handle them. Okay, it would be a lot easier for us if you'd actually be here and fight them with us but for a change they aren't the current problem.

Dean, I miss you. Every fibre of my being misses you. Every heartbeat, every breath I take hurts because you're not near. It's eating me alive.

Please come home.

I love you.


That or something similar to it was the content of all your letters to him.

He was deployed overseas since almost a year now. You didn't understand at all why he signed on for the army now of all times but you couldn't convince him otherwise either.

„I can't stand this life anymore.", he told you.

„But why to the army, Dean? Why not something... less dangerous?", you asked him and stared at the ground with tears in your eyes. You couldn't look at him.

„Hunting is dangerous, too.", was his reply. He also had to struggle with tears, you felt that. „If not even more dangerous. And being at the army... That's almost like hunting, you know? I can use weapons and..."

„...kill.", you quietly finish the sentence for him. Tears streamed down you face now.

„You know what?", you continued angrily, „How about you just shut up about it?"

You ran into your room of the bunker and locked yourself in.

By now you have learned to live with him being so far away from you. The danger was never a problem to you as long as you went through it together but where he was now... You couldn't be with him. There was no us anymore. Dean had to take care of hisself.

You trusted him. He actually could use weapons, that never has been a problem for him. He was experienced more than enough in fighting as well. But you still hated the thought of not being able to hold him in your arms every evening from now on, to not be able to tousle through his beautiful hair anymore, to not be able to get lost into his perfect, apple-green eyes... It just hurted. You needed him and he was gone.

Letter no. 705


I don't get it... Why do you keep on extending your term of service again and again? I just want to hold you in my arms or at least hear something from you again... Of course you're sending me letters but that's something totally different than having you actually standing in front of me. Please come home.

Sam started studying again by the way. He is still on hunts from time to time but not as much as when you were still around. He says he would drop it if you come back but without you he doesn't want to be 'just a hunter'.

When he hunts he goes with Eileen. Maybe you remember her. They are a couple now, just saying. I know I should have told you about it a couple of letters ago but you lovely fool don't want me to write more than one page (what I'm still mad at).

I love you, Dean.

And please don't extend again.


„I miss him.", you whisper in Sam's shirt, quietly crying. He softly stroked your back.

„I miss him, too.", he says, „But he's going to come back. He can't go on too long without hunting."

You sometimes wished you had Sam's optimism but you didn't function that way.

„Well, he goes on like that for almost two years now.", you reply bitterly and used the end of Sam's flannel shirt to wipe the tears off your cheeks. He hated it when you did that but you didn't bother too much. „What if he never comes back?"

„He will.", was all Sam said and put a blanket over you.

Letter no. 998


You're in your third year and I am still waiting for you...

Sam and Eileen are the parents of two children now. Twins. It's sad you couldn't be around when Eileen gave birth.

Dean, I want children with you, too. When you come home we should start a family. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to urge you. It's your decision when and if we even do it at all but it would really be my wish.

But for that I'd need you around.

Dean, come back.



Sam and Eileen's kids were wonderful. They didn't permit you a lot of sleep because you had to take care of them when Sam and Eileen went hunting over the night but you still loved them like they were your own. It was a mystery to you how Sam even managed it... He had two children to raise, he went to university and hunting at night. Did he even sleep at all? But maybe he needed the distraction, just like you, because otherwise the feelings would be too strong. You both missed Dean so much.

Letter no. 1722


It's your fifth year of being away and you either passed on your holidays or spent them overseas as well. Come home.

Jessica and Kevin are two years old now. I still don't get why Sam named the twins after deceased people but many name their children after their grandparents and somehow Jessica and Kevin are part of the family.

The only missing puzzle piece for our family is you, Dean.


You sent him these letters since years and every 2-3 months you got an answer but this time you didn't. Since 5 months you didn't receive a single letter.

„Do you think something happened?", you asked Sam one evening during dinner.

„Wouldn't we get a call then?", was all Sam asked and kept on eating his salad as cool as a cucumber.

„Are you serious?", you asked angrily but Sam just looked at you in complete confusion.

„But it's that way. If something happens they call us..."

He was serious.

The kids started laughing. They were probably too young yet to fully understand the situation, you couldn't blame them. But you could blame Sam.

„How can you remain that calm?", you yelled and wanted to go back to your room but Sam held your arm.

„Listen...", he started and loosened his grip. He looked you right in the eyes. „It was supposed to be a surprise but he called today. He's coming home."

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