Savior Pt. 4/4 • Team Free Will AU

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Part 4

„I'm sorry!", I immediately apologized and regretted being so rude. What was wrong with me? I was almost like my stepdad but I shouldn't. I didn't want to be like him. But Castiel was already gone. He vanished as soon as I yelled at him.

I didn't even know him a full day yet and already had mudded everything. Why was I that way?

I cried half of the lunchbreak in the bathroom until hunger grew on me. I had to pull myself together since I couldn't possibly enter the cafeteria looking like that.

I went to the mirror to wipe the tears out of my face. I didn't wear make-up anyway so at least I didn't have to deal with ruined mascara.

I splashed cold water in my face and went on. I had 20 minutes of my lunchbreak left which would be enough to quickly get something to eat.

As I walked into the cafeteria it was absolutely crowded. There wasn't a single empty table. But I decided to get food first and then check again.

But there still wasn't a table. I had no other choice than to join some strangers.

I sat on the side as far away from everyone as I could to not draw attention on me but for some reason it didn't work out at all. The others stared at me immediately and started to talk and laugh.

„What's wrong with you?", a deep, impressive voice suddenly yelled and everyone shut up. „You think you're the cool kids and have a right to judge? Let me tell you something: You don't! You know what you truly are? Losers! To run other people down, to make fun of others... You know who does that? Idiots. And that's exactly what you all are!"

Suddenly there was a loud bang since the unknown guy bashed on the table. While he did that the veins on his arm went out which made him appear even more powerful. Everyone looked at him deferentially and noone said a single word. This guy was incredible!

„I'm Dean.", he introduced himself to me and walked over to me. Quite naturally he took the seat next to me. „I'm a friend of Cas and I think we should talk."

I looked at him all worried.

„Does he hate me now?", I asked, again feeling tears in my eyes, „Is that the reason he is sending you now? Are you an angel, too?"

Everyone in the cafeteria looked at me as if I was completely brain-damaged which I understood. To talk about angels wasn't that normal but I didn't bother.

But Dean didn't laugh. He looked at me deadly serious.

„I'm not an angel.", he said, „And Cas doesn't hate you... But maybe we should go outside."

We went behind the school. I didn't even know that there was actually a spot that was lonely.

„Do you want to murder me now or why did you drag me here? 'Cause if so please make it quick.", I said baldly and looked Dean straight in the eyes. It scared me to be with him here, all alone. I didn't even know him!

„I could never hurt you.", was all Dean said, „Cas just told me he found you and I went here as quick as I could..."

He teared up. I didn't expect that at all since he didn't really look like the kind of guy that cries.

Unable to cope I looked down on the floor.

„Oh, Dean, you are already here!", I heard Castiel's voice from behind me and I couldn't help it but to fling my arms around his neck.

Suddenly I started crying, too.

„I am so so sorry.", I cried in his shirt, „I shouldn't have been so rude!"

„It's okay.", Cas whispered in my hair. He stroked my back while hugging me. „You were hurt. I should have been more sensitive."

„Never leave again!", I sobbed and freed myself out of the hug.

„I won't.", Cas assured me, „But in that moment I realized it... I had to tell Dean."

„Realized what?", I got into it and wiped the tears out of my eyes.

„You're my sister.", Dean butted in and my jaw dropped.

„Excuse me??", I asked doubtfully and looked from Castiel to Dean.

„You're from the same parents.", Castiel explained what a sibling is to me. He soon realized this was not what I meant so he added: „We angels sense that."

„How sure are you?", I asked, just to make sure and still couldn't believe it. I have a brother??

„100%.", Castiel ensured me again.

I looked at Dean. He was actually pretty similar to me. We had the same hair- and eye-color and the same nose and lips.

„Wow.", it slipped out of my mouth, „A brother... that is... incredible."

„Two.", Dean corrected me and my jaw dropped again. „The other one is Sam. He's in the car."

„Wait. What?!", I asked. I couldn't even catch on that quickly. It was all so much... My head felt like it was empty.

„You're moving in with us. Your stuff is in the car.", Dean explained as if that was the most normal thing ever.

„I can't just move in with strangers!", I complained, looking at Castiel.

„Well, technically they are your family.", Castiel replied, emotionless as always, „And they protect you."

„Plus: We don't hurt you.", Dean added which felt like I was stabbed right in my heart.

„How...", I began but ran out of air to breath. My throat felt constricted.

„Cas told me.", Dean explained, „That's why we went here as fast as we could. We will take care of you. I promise."

He smiled at me.

„And my stepdad?", I asked, even though I didn't even care that much about him.

„He was glad you move out.", Castiel said and smiled, looking sad, but I suddenly felt true happiness. That meant my stepdad wouldn't follow me.

„So?", Dean asked now and raised his eyebrows, „Are you in? Sam is super excited to meet you."

He winked at me.

„I am.", I confirmed and nodded, immediately feeling Dean's strong arms wrapped around me. Castiel joined the hug and for a while we remained in the group hug until Dean whispered:

„Welcome to the family."

Which perspective do you prefer? (First person narrator - like in this story - or second person - like in the chapters before?

Should I maybe continue this story?

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