Savior Pt. 2/4 • Team Free Will AU

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Part 2

„Excuse me?", I asked, confused. Guardian angel... Sure. What's wrong with this man?

„I've been sent down to earth to protect you.", 'Castiel' explained. He sounded completely serious, without any range of emotion noticeable, as if the stuff he was talking was completely normal.

But somehow I couldn't help the fact that questions popped in my head. Did everyone have a guardian angel? Okay, no, this is bullshit! I decided to walk away. This guy was insane!

„No.", Mr. Crazy suddenly said and I got even more confused.

I frowned. „What?"

„Not everyone has a guardian angel.", 'Castiel' kept explaining, „Only those that are chosen for some reason. Don't ask me who is chosen and who isn't. I don't make the rules."

Okay, he either could read my thoughts (unlikely), I accidentally spoke it out loud (more likely) or it was a coincidence (absolutely likely).

„Alright.", was all I said. At least I didn't have to cry any longer since this psychopath distracted me. „I refrain."

„You're not taking me serious.", the trenchcoat-guy noticed and at least in that aspect he was right.

„I just believe that either you or me are completely insane.", I replied honestly and turned around to go back to the classroom but I again felt 'Castiel's' hand on my shoulder.

„Our brains are still working, don't worry."

I had to laugh since he really seemed to believe in his angels. I didn't want to take it from him so I didn't say any more.

„I will prove it to you that I am an angel.", my new friend in the trenchcoat offered. Suddenly the room turned dark for a short moment. As the lights went on again 'Castiel' suddenly stood in front of me with big, black wings protruding from his back. I noticed my jaw dropping.

As I recovered myself I coughed. „Okay, nice trick...", I said, still a bit astonished. I went backwards slowly to get away from this freak. It just couldn't be true! It couldn't!

„Stay!", 'Castiel' called, but all I wanted was to get away but I couldn't. I wanted to run away more than anything but I literally couldn't move at all. Was it this pseudo-angel? And even if so... How was this possible?

„I don't want you to be scared of me.", he explained and looked down on the floor, „I'm your guardian angel, you can trust me."

„And you think making me unable to move is going to give you extra points?", I asked angrily. I was now sure it was him being the reason for my immobility.

„You at least can't run away now.", Castiel gave back. I can't really tell why but I started to believe him. There simply wasn't another explanation.

„If you make me able to move again, I believe you.", I said and really meant it that way. A second later I noticed I was able to move again.

„Angel, huh?", I asked, a bit insolent since I was kind of mad of him for playing games with me.

„Angel.", Castiel replied. „And from now on your companion, wherever you go."

Wherever I go?

„Are you fucking kidding me?", I asked, stepping from one foot to the other out of nervousness. „I mean people are going to notice and you can't be with me everywhere."

„Noone is going to see me.", Castiel explained, completely calm, „I'm only visible if I want to be... Or I appear when you tell me to. Otherwise I am completely unremarkable, even for you. I will just take care."

Alright. Angel Business. But I had to admit I kind of liked this concept. I could really use someone to take care of me and if he was not really physically there it wouldn't even be too annoying.

I nodded.

„Okay, but you lie low."

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