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John's Pov: Its been 3 days since we got into the accident. Roberto laid out in the hospital like it was his own.

It was scary how calm and peaceful he looked. Since i woke up and Marie disclosed me the heart breaking news, i hadn't been home at all, i hadn't even left the room he was in.

I dont know if he could hear me talk but  i would talk to him like he was present right beside me. I haven't talked to my family yet. I dont know even what their feelings are and how Marie was. What mattred me the most was my partner and  I had to keep hope if not for myself then for our love.

My friends and Marie called daily, and demanded me to go home. But I just  couldn't do it. I couldn't go and do things when i knew he was not by my side.

Today marie came to visit me and seeing her i could see she was grieving for me too. She had bags under her eyes and she looked tired.

" John i demand you to go home right now"
Marie told me the second she walked through that door.

"No marie I cant, I cant leave him here" At that time it was 12pm.

"You can't stay here wearing out your body like that."

" I can do it, as long as I dont leave him here alone."

"How about i make a deal with you?" she asked me"

"And what would that deal be?" I asked her.

"If i stay here while you go home and rest along with freshen up and eat, I will allow you come here again at 9pm. What say?"

" Fine if it will make everyone happy"

"It will, all your friends and family are worried about you  especiallly Cally and her Boyfriend."

"They don't like seeing you in this condition"

I kissed Roberto on the forhead and told him i would be back soon.

Then i walked out of the hospital for the first time after 3days.

I reached Marie's  home approximately in 15 minutes  and got out of my absolutely silent car.

I got out of  my car and unlocked Marie's door  and entered  home.

After freshning up i decided to take a nap since i did not feel like eating.

"Soon I drifted off to the dreamland where Roberto and me were smiling and kissing holding hands"

I did not even realise it was time to return back until I heard the door bell which disconnected me from my dreams and made me realise my reality.

I opened the door and saw Cally standing outside, I invited her inside and she hugged me tightly but for some reason, she was strangely  smiling.

Seeing her smile it made me smile  too although I had no reason to.

"She told me to go and freshen up as she had a good news."

"I told her i was not in the mood and it was time for me to go meet Roberto."

"She told me, Oh silly boy, you would meet your lover for the first time in this condition?".

" Cally I am not really in mood for jokes!! I shouted at her"

" Hearing me shout and get angry I swear i saw Cally flinch."

"Look, I am really sorry but you gotta understand my situation here."

Roberto is not with me and i am not meeting him for the first time either ok, so please don't bother with my looks, I said to her.

"It's ok John, you just caught me off guard"

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