" Androphobic Love"

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Cally's Pov:  "Would you like a bag with that?"

"No, I already have one  with me dont worry about it."

"Oh ok  then thank you, have a good day."

I smiled at the woman hurrying out of the place carrying a bag full of goodies from our cafe and a collection of latest Cd's.

Apparently, after my little incident and what happened with his brother at the hospital, the new  owner backed out from buying our cafe and everyone got their jobs back  atleast that's what i heard from marie while i was away.

I may have bad memories with that man who was supposed to own this cafe and his brother but that did not mean i could ever stop working in this cafe.

So here i was working late night tonight because marie got sick and i was covering up her shift.

Before hurrying out of the door the kind woman smiled at me  and told me"You too have a good day"

I smiled and offered to carry her stuff till her car but she refused so i watched the woman go away into the cold night streets again safely.

After the woman  was gone a familiar tension returned to my body as another male customer came to my counter.

"Hi there" I greeted picking up the CD's that had been placed on the counter.

"Don't look at him"
" Don't look at him"  I kept on chanting in my mind  as my fingers worked feverishly entering the codes and numbers into the monitor for each CD.

"Can i pay by card?" he questioned as i placed the CD's on the counter.

"Yes" just a moment,  I answered  as I trailed off some numbers into the computer.

There was an eeiry silence in the cafe as i waited for the man to pay by card.

My eyes flickering from one place to another in an attempt to stay busy. Despite of the faint radio playing in the background i could only feel the sudden tightness in my chest. It felt as if  each muscle of my body  was being pulled apart and if i moved slightly they would give away.

"He's not going to hurt you" i told myself. 

"Thanks" he said , as i watched him stuff the CD's into the bag that he brought along with him.

"You are welcome" i said mustering up the courage to meet his eyes. I saw a middle aged kind man with brown eyes wearing rimmed specticles smudged by stains.

But even though his eyes held no ill intention,
I could not stop my body from reacting this  way as if the man was the most gruesome murderer of the  whole North America.

My heart didn't stop thudding like a drum till the time that man didn't walk out of the cafe.

Once he was out i sat with a thud onto the sofa chair and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

After my latest accident and due to my phobia, this was a natural occurance for me. I had called myself silly when i decided to join back the cafe considering the fact that i would be scared by majority of the customers  I would attend to.
But I also thought that maybe if i interacted with more men then  I could prove to myself that they infact were not scary and I could get rid of my fear once and for all.

Unfortunately it hadn't worked that way.

Cally Love! Someone called out to me from the  backdoor. So I got up from my chair and went to the backdoor finding no one there.
  I decided to walk  further padding past the two changing rooms towards the store and called out " Yes Maxine?"

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