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Cally's Pov: For once I was sleeping peacefully with no dreams but it seemed that someone was trying to wake me up by calling my name but that calling also seemed very distant for some reason.

There was this sharp white  light coming inside my room trying to wake me up. At first I ignored it thinking I might have forgotten to pull my curtains down and it must be sunlight coming inside my room. So I kept on sleeping.

However, when I was about to go back to sleep suddenly I heard my name being called.
The voice seemed very familiar to me, then suddenly like a bullet train I got hit with  whose name it was cause I could never forget this voice even in my dreams.

At first I was unsure but when it became loud I was damn sure  it had to be my mother's voice so I woke up immediately.

On waking up I realised there was noone calling me which made me sad to think I got a dream.
Although there was this hope that my mothers were trying to reach out to me but I knew deep down it was impossible as they both were dead.

So keeping that thought I tried to wake up to do my morning duties.
However, when I tried to move my arms I was not able to move them.
Although I was able to lift myself through my back I could not feel my arms or my legs.  This left me scared and baffled for a moment.

That's when I looked around and all hell broke loose I realised I was not in my bedroom but rather in an unknown room which had white walls and white curtains. There were no photo frames just a flower vase kept at the corner of the bed. Seeing the flowers they were seeming to be fresh meaning someone had come in  this room but who?

I again tried to move my legs and arms and looked around to see that my arms were stuck to multiple needles and there was a heart monitor monitoring my  heart beat and vitals.

However what shocked me more was that even though I  knew I  was in a panicked state because of not knowing where I  was or what happened to me,  the heart monitor was not beating wildly like it should.

Another thing I  found strange was that no one was present inside my  room.

At first I  thought I was dreaming so with a lot of difficulty in moving my  arms I  pinched myself  and made a noise of "Ahh" meaning I  was not dreaming.

So coming in terms with that fact that this all was a reality I unhooked my arms from the needles and found the crutches nearby my bed with the help of which I  thought I  could stand up.

But strangely as I  got up from the bed I  felt no pain and I  was able to move comfortably.

At first I  got astonished but coming out of my  reverie I  moved from the bed and went outside my  room.

On going outside I  saw empty white hallways with not a single person present there.
On seeing the environment and the machinery I  got to know one thing for sure that I was in a hospital.
But why was there no staff in this hospital that's what confused me  the most.

On moving further inside the corridor I  saw this beautiful garden present just  outside the hospital with beautiful flowers blooming and butterflies movies here and there.

On seeing the view I became very happy and decided to take a stroll outside.

But Just as I  moved outside I  heard my  name being called from behind her.

At first I became scared and did not want to look behind but when the person placed  a loving hand on my  shoulder I  became shocked and said to myself this can't be.
I must be delutional or going mad.

I  had recognised the person behind me  even before looking behind  because of the familiar fragrance of my adoptive mother which she used to wear since I  could recall.
I  used to love the fragrance secretly and even asked my mother about it sometimes. But I  knew my adoptive mother was dead and this could not be happening and that's when I  starting crying.
The person who was standing behind me   turned me around and said" Shh don't cry baby"
I am there for you now nothing will happen to you.
On hearing that voice and getting her loving embrace I hugged her more tightly.

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