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3rd Person's Pov: After everything got sorted out with John and Roberto, Me and Damien were on our way back to my  house. On the way, Damien told me about this charity event dinner coming this Friday which he wanted to attend with me.

"Charity event?" i asked

"Yes, real state investors and Businessmen from all over the world will be raising money for Underpriviliged children, there will be silent auctions, wine tasting etc."

I was a bit apprehensive at first because  of John's outburst at the house had still shook me and I did not want to tell Damien about it just yet, so, i agreed nevertheless.

"Here's my card, you go shopping with Marie and don't worry about what you have to spend on the dress.." he said handing me his card.

"I can't take this and use this." I said shocked.

"Go..I have some things to take care of  before i can leave", he said not before dropping me off at my place.

Since, me and Damen had been in a relation we have never disclosed our relationship openly, i did not mind though as long as our family knew. But, recently, I had this thought going on my mind for many days to disclose my feelings to Damien openly but with everything happening, i guess I did not get time.

However, I was sure to profess it to him and to the world openly after this event.

After unlocking my door, i called up Marie and told her everything. She arrived in exact 10 minutes at my place.

Marie and I were excited and hit all the stores that we could find until we found a dress for me that we both liked.

"This dress is perfect for you, It will leave Damien speechless!" Marie tells her. " Its nothing too impressive, but it is beautiful and sparkly." I say smiling posing in the mirror.

Friday comes, Damien and I are getting ready to head to the charity event, he stands in the living room waiting for me to come out, looking at his watch he starts to get antsy. 

I finally come out and Damien couldn't stop staring at me." You look so stunning." He tells me, as he walks up to me placing a passionate kiss on my lips.

He tells me to turn around, He then pulls a necklace out and places it around my neck.

Kissing the back of my neck and behind my ears. "Perfect". He tells me. 

I started to feel all giddy the way he put it on me, I walk  up to the mirror by the doorway to see what he put on me and I was in Love.

"Damien? Is this Carlton?" I asked in shock.

He comes up from behind me looking at me in the mirror

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He comes up from behind me looking at me in the mirror. "It looks good on you, you would be the most beautiful woman out there." He tells me spinning me around and placing a kiss on my lips. "We do have to get going though, our ride has been out there waiting for us."

Walking to the dinner cruise i couldn't help but feel excited, and feeling like I was a Queen, with sparkly dress and Carlton necklace, I sure felt like a million bucks.

ON reaching the venue, they walked around looking at the silent auction items, Damien writing down his bids on the items he was most interested in as I looked around watching all the people. Everyone looked glamorous.

I gasped when i noticed some A list celebrities were here too. Damien leans towards my ear, "They are usually here to donate for the underpriviliged." He says quietly.

Damien takes her over to meet some investors and some Businessmen. One of the investors was who she talked to long ago for the cafe. "Nice to meet you." She tells him shaking his hand. "Same to you" He says kissing my hand.

"Would you care to Dance?" The gentlemen asked me. Damien looked at him with an evil expression. " I think Damien was on his way to take me out there." I tell him, with a smile.

"Maybe another time." He says to me. Damien then brings me out to the dance floor.

"Damien, i don't know how to waltz." I say to him when i noticed that they are going to do a waltz right now.

"Just follow my lead, and you will be fine." he tells me.

He guides me to the dance floor elegantly as people stare at us. As, i danced with him, my feelings were all over the place, Dancing the waltz with him felt oddly very romantic.

After, the dance he pulled me in his arms and gave me the most passionate kiss, letting everyone know that i was his.

We walked off the dance floor, and Damien whispered in my ears, "I ll go get us some drinks."

Looking around i spotted my old friend Nancy and I walked over to her and we walked around talking trying to catch up admiring an art piece that was up for auction when i felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and I just felt like the floor slipping from beneath my feet making me feel dizzy.


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Lots of love


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